Tamsin Lejeune



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Managing Director, Ethical Fashion Forum
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
Ways to achieve better standards in the fashion industry. Ways to support ethical fashion businesses.
About me / About business or organisation:
I was born in Zambia and grew up in Zimbabwe and Scotland. Im crazy about skiing. And Im lucky to have the best job in the world as Managing Director of the Ethical Fashion Forum. The Ethical Fashion World and the people in it are inspirational.
Career history / Company history:
Trained as an architect, focused on development work in shanty towns , then transferred to fashion through a masters in international development focusing on fashion and fair trade. Founded juste , a fair trade fashion label in 2003, a founder of the Ethical Fashion Forum in 2004, launched and co-ordinated the first year of the Fashioning an Ethical Industry project for Labour Behind the Label , 2005-06, designed, initiated and led projects for the Ethical Fashion Forum to date.

Comment Wall:

  • Maiya

    Hi, Glad you like our collection. We launched si:su in May 2008 and would love to hear if you are able to offer any support. Many thanks, Helen, Hanneke and Rachel.
  • Mary King

    Hi Tamsin, Really nice to meet you briefly at Pure. I would like to attend the masterclass Fashion+ on Mar 17th and look forward to supporting EFF. Regards
    Mary ( Panchachuli U.K.)
  • Ciel

    Hi Tam
    great to see you at LFW - looking forward to catching up again soon on some other projects will keep you posted with the latest from Ciel - checkout this months Cosmo which has a lovely fashion spread using all high end cool green fashion brands. Will post a link once i have it scanned.

    spk soon

  • Francesco Di Maio

    Hi! Thanks for your encouragement! Within the next few days, I will be posting more articles on sustainability and menswear. I have been interviewing, poking my nose around, and trying to follow trends. As readers write in with comments, I can use them for future articles.
    Thanks again for welcoming me!

  • jacqueline

    the event last night was very inspiring....what you guys are doing with EFF has proved very effective...thanks for getting it all started

  • Nina

    Dear Tamsin,

    signed up, created a page etc. and contacted Jackie that way, hope she gets back.
    Just wondering where you think the obstacles are to more widespread use of organic cotton, especially by designers.

    I get so many different answers from designers, it is amazing how organic cotton is still perceived as unsuitable for high end luxury fabrics...

    Best regards
    PS I tried to send this via a message from my account but that did not seem to work...
  • David McGill

    How strange. I trained and even qualified as an architect as well and came into fashion by accident. Ive attached a couple of images that might interest you.
  • shailini sheth amin

    Hi Tamsin,
    EFF is great. It gives a focus to people like us working in way out places and firmly believing in and promoting sustainable textile movement.
  • Caiomhe

    Thanks Tamsin it's no problem at all I'm still getting to grips with the site and will use it a lot more down the road. I hope to see a lot more here in Ireland as we time goes by. See you 2mora in London
  • Guna Dubrovska

    Thanks for suggestion! The Blog is a good idea. I'll give a go.
    Sorry, i don't have any more details about the textile factory ...
  • shailini sheth amin

    Hi Tamsin,
    Really good to meet you yesterday. I am sending a separate email too.
  • Siobhan Wilson

    Hi Tamsin,
    Thanks for the welcome message! Sorry for the delay in my response I have been very busy but we should have a full team in place next week at our shops so I am hoping to start researching more about linking my groups out in Kolkata with designers...and adding to the blog!

    I will be up at Rich Mix on Tuesday evening and hopefully will get to meet you.

    kind regards,
  • Julie-Anne Graham

    Hi Tasmin,

    Thanks very much, I'm glad you like the photos. I love my photographer :) He's fab. And thanks for the idea about the blog. I will have a look at it and post something on the site when I get my shop online, it's nearly ready to go. V. excited.

    It's great to be on here, it looks like a great source of information. I had been meaning to get over to some of the sourcing events you held but didn't get a chance. They sounded excellent. I'll keep my eyes peeled for any more that are coming up. Well done on all the great work.

    Best wishes,
  • Anna

    Hi Tamsin

    Thanks for coming and speaking at Cotton On. We've had lots of good feedback about the Sustainable Design workshop - many people have said it was the highlight of the day for them. best wishes, george
  • Sarah

    Hi Tamsin,

    I am currently doing my MA from central saint martins and trying to see how ethical fashion can be designed as a system to a developing country. The reason being is that I see Pakistan's fashion industry not in a good situation, as in not famous for anything special when looking at it in context. And this was where I approached it towards ethical fashion as a possible unique selling proposition. I have been introduced to this subject area quit recently and keen taking it to the next level. Would you consider the industry itself could be a product of ethics that needs to be sold locally? Since it has not been discussed I am interested in terms of this ethical approach upon the local designers and how they can be part of this ethical movement. Would like to hear your views and your feedback. Take Care

    Sarah Saeed
  • Becky Burd

    Hi Tamsin
    Thanks for the note and welcome. I'll be attending the event on the 23rd so hopefully will meet you then!
  • Ishwari Vijay Thopte

    Hi Tamsin,

    I would like to further discuss the internship opportunities u had offered in the mail u sent through Kim. I have decided to do my MA from LCF in 'Design Management for Fashion Industries'. My Semester begins on 21st September, but i would like to start working asap. Thanks!
  • Ilona Ludewig-Mack

    Hi Tamsin, absolutely - would be very happy to be featured as member no 1000. Will add some more info - incl picture and 'looking for' - so as soon as this is done I am ready to be featured!

    Thank you :)

  • Renato

    Hi Tasmin, Thanks for the warm welcome & glad to be a member of such a worthwhile site. Keep up the great work. Hope I can contribute positively.
  • Evan McCauley

    Hi Tamsin,
    I would love to contribute to the sourcing pool. Keep me posted as to it's progress.
  • Gabriele Meissner

    thanks, I am looking for contacts to African Fashion Designers who would be interested in doing business in Berlin
  • Udaya Bikram Thapa

    Hello there Tamsin,
    I have been working with natural fibres in Nepal for a long time now and can supply you with fibre, yarns, textiles, as well as finished goods. Please have a look at www.heavenhemp.co.uk and www.wildweaves.co.uk to get an idea of what we do. I work with hemp, nettle, cactus, banana, bamboo . I also have a small workshop where we make bags, clothing and rugs from natural fibres. Hope to hear from you and would like to be your friend. Take care,
  • Shahid Hussain Shamim

    Dear Tamsin,
    Thanks for your coments. I'll write more about my work. Now I'm very much involved in 100% Indigo dye from cultivation, extraction, mordenting and dyeing.
  • Tamsin Lejeune

    We are planning a series of bulletins on inspiring suppliers next year, so please keep us updated- newsletters go out in the first two weeks of each month.
  • James McAloon

    Hi Tamsin,

    I would like to thank you for the opportunity to meet so many great people here at Ethical Fashion Network. The Ethical Fashion Forum do a wonderful job of keeping everyone connected.

  • George

  • N.J.Bond

    Dear Tamsin,

    The opening up of this forum is one more step in the right direction. Thanks .

    We have as a rural tribal science and enterprenurs group in green textiles .

    In the 100% chemical free Indigo cultivation ,extraction, herbal enzyme mordanting it with for and Live -Process it. Now many International brands using radioactive chemical to shimmer royal blue Indigo ,the ' x-indigo ' is created shamlessly.

    What we can do with your forums, we are always redy and looking for guides .

    We kept quiet when science Indigo invented in 1840 duplicate . It was mistake. We helplessly waited when regenrated Bomboo is named as Organic in 1970's, when Silver Particuled Radio active being embedded now ,on Soya. We are consumers , we are conciouse and creative and energistic .
    We have only made genuine Indigo natural 100% chemical free. But no Institute is ready to certify it as they them selves do not know Indigo .What is the way out.

    Problem itself is not identified yet , how are they going to find solution.

    As conciouse comsumers we have to shoult and wait ,after that ..

    We need Virtue-based ethical fashion. Ethics is only gulilt. Virtue is duty and responsible. Every where the value to textile is going to green but the consumers attitude is unchanging, what they learned in past.
    All over the world consumers must unite like a religion , and they should open their new Velcoro groups on line , of every best products in the world corners made as sample brands some where displayed .

    London is the place . Only lion comes and mostly ladies lioness,then animals will obey in this world.

    As fifth generation energistic ,conciouse and creative souls we are ready to support the virtue fashion in concreate ways .
  • Shahid Hussain Shamim

    The main aim of our mission is to build a responsible Travel and Tourism Company based on authentic Bangladeshi lifestyle, mainly focusing on culture, crafts, textiles and traditional village life.

    our activities into promoting-
    -Small businesses from the regions to work as development partners and benefit from the operations.
    -Develop cross-cultural learning through training and experiential learning. The focus groups for these activities can be enthusiasts / specialists in design and product development.
    -Run skill development trainings with particular textile and craft.
    -Establish living and learning centers.
    -Promote ‘voluntourism’ and internships as a means to have long lasting experience.
    The more generalized aims are:
    -Recognize, support and promote community ownership of tourism.
    -Ensure environmental sustainability.
    - Help maintain traditional livelihood.
    -Community development by involvement.
  • Tamie


    Thank you for the add this is a great site and im so pleased I was told about it... so far meeting like minded people interesting people in the creative world.

  • ravi maheshwari

    thanks for Ethical Fashion Forum
  • Jan Roberts

    Thank you so much !
  • Jamillah Liengsiriwat

    Thank you so much for Eff, I am so excited to meet all these ethical brands. Sooooooo excited :)