Becky Burd


Newburyport, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Online Marketing, User Experience Design, and Social Media Strategy Consultant
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
networking, especially whilst in London June 19 - July 9
About me / About business or organisation:
Digital strategy leader with a passion for finding the sweet spot between business, brand, and consumer goals, and translating these into engaging and profitable interactive environments. Champion for understanding human and cultural behavior as it relates to a brand’s holistic, organic experience, and for creating beautifully intuitive and enjoyable interactions.

*Strong interest in eco-fashion.*
Career history / Company history:

Comment Wall:

  • Tamsin Lejeune

    Hi Becky
    Good to have you on the network
    Perhaps you have some tips for us on social media strategy? if you would like to pass by while you are over Ill introduce you to the EFF team
    You may also be interested in attending our event on the 23rd June
  • David McGill

    Hi Becky, im not sure I fully understand what it is you do but I am looking for contacts to promote an ethical fashion business in the US