


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Surface Print designer and visual merchandiser
Company / organisation:
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Student
I am looking to discover or buy
Net working with unique individuals and business connections, Career opportunities, Collaborations
About me / About business or organisation:
I have an interest in design, fashion and art, I enjoy visiting exhibitions and catwalk shows. I find enjoyment going to museums and traveling to get scenes of different cultures which helps me in my design ideas.
Career history / Company history:
Surface Print designer and visual merchandiser

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  • Louise Kamara

    Hi Tamie

    Thanks for getting in touch! Im on holiday at the moment but if you could send your details to me at louise.kamara@btopenworld.com I'll send you some details of Vintage festival. We need some creative help there....
    look forward to hearing from you!

  • Katrina O'Brien

    Hello there
    Sorry for the delay, just trying to get used to the sight :) I'm not to bad, the design world is being good to me. I have finally figured out that I want to do bridal wear for my final degree year :) I see you do events, I won a competition called the Costume Society Placement Award, they have asked me to help out with a hat show in colchester in september. I'm VERY excited, I'll just be helping out a little bit, but it's good for the CV.
    Must dash!
  • jacqueline

    you too girl
    will keep u posted about couple events i have coming up in july too