Tamsin Lejeune



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Managing Director, Ethical Fashion Forum
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
Ways to achieve better standards in the fashion industry. Ways to support ethical fashion businesses.
About me / About business or organisation:
I was born in Zambia and grew up in Zimbabwe and Scotland. Im crazy about skiing. And Im lucky to have the best job in the world as Managing Director of the Ethical Fashion Forum. The Ethical Fashion World and the people in it are inspirational.
Career history / Company history:
Trained as an architect, focused on development work in shanty towns , then transferred to fashion through a masters in international development focusing on fashion and fair trade. Founded juste , a fair trade fashion label in 2003, a founder of the Ethical Fashion Forum in 2004, launched and co-ordinated the first year of the Fashioning an Ethical Industry project for Labour Behind the Label , 2005-06, designed, initiated and led projects for the Ethical Fashion Forum to date.

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  • Amy Sunshine Harris

    Hi Tamsin, 

    I wander if you might be able to take part in an online survey? It will take about 10 mins to complete, and be anonymous. I am working on a project researching ethical fashion and consumption, and I really want people like yourself to participate!




    Copy and paste this link into a new window.


    I hope you are able to do it!


    Many thanks, Amy



  • Ram Kumar Vyas


    Have a good day. It is my privilege to write you introduce My son ETSY Shop Link https://www.etsy.com/in-en/shop/CRAFTandFASHION Your shop is manufacturer (not middle men or trader ) . Your shop wholesaler & exporter of exclusive textiles based on application of appliqué ( patch -work or cut work) and kantha traditionally known as "guddri" ( hand running stitching ) both in home furnishing . Everything offered by your shop is wholesale prices. I welcome you all to visit us in Jaipur famous as "Pink City of India" and see our display room to explore gorgeous handmade craft by our associated women artisan form desert of Thar Rajasthan, India.

    Thanks & Regards

    Ram Kumar Vyas