Hi there,

I would really really appreciate it if you could take some time to answer my questionnaire on ethical fashion, it should take no longer than 10mins! It's for my final year dissertation so your participation is greatly helpful and appreciated! Here's the link:

Ethical Fashion Questionnaire

Would love to hear your feedback also or any opinions, it's always interesting to here what others have to say on the subject!

Thanks a lot!

Chelsea :)

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Hello! Very good questionnaire, it was lovely and easy to fill out and didn't take me as long as you said at all, which can only be a good thing right! I'm doing a project as part of my A level in Textiles on ethical fashion and my teacher seems to think it quite an unusual topic to choose. Its great to see someone else who's interested in it and using it in their studies.

Best of luck with your dissertation!

Mary-Emma :)
Hi Mary-Emma i can't remember if i said thank you for answering my questionnaire so thank you! Don't let your teacher put you off its a great subject to do...ethical fashion is the future.

Best wishes :)
Hiya, just did your survey, thought i'd help out as I am doing a very similar project myself!
I'm finding it a tough question to answer :) but its really interesting to research!

emma xox
interesting, we would like to see the results... one teeny tiny thing, you spelled 'bibico' 'biblico'!
aah sorry! lol will change it as soon as i can
that's okay! Thanks x
Hey! Good questionnaire that was easy to follow...and it didn't take long to complete either which is a plus!!! Good luck with your dissertation, hope it all goes well x


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