Gav THTC has not received any gifts yet
Posted on April 5, 2010 at 16:30 2 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on March 28, 2010 at 16:30 0 Comments 0 Likes
THTC was one of the founding members of the Ethical Fashion Forum (EFF) - a not for profit network focusing on social and…
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Hello dear i saw your profile here in this site so i feel like contacting you for a relationship so if you think it’s cool you can reply me with my email ’'’'bye hopping to hear from you soonest.
this is krishna shankar prasad ,director of shree vamika textilecan can we friend
My name is Laricea Ioana Roman and I am a student at Kingston University, London (KU ID 0942659). I am doing a Master in Marketing, Advertising and Communications and at the moment I am writing my Dissertation. My topic is related to ethical clothing, more specifically, I am investigating how personal values influence customers' decision to buy ethical clothing. In order to come up with some answers for my topic, I need some opinions from people who actually bought ethical clothes.
This is the reason why I am kindly asking you to help me and fill in my questionnaire. It will take you no more than 10 minutes and you can win three books and £30 vouchers!
Thank you for your consideration,
Laricea Ioana Roman
All the best
I am going to be in London next week. Will be attending Pulse and meet friends and prospective clients.
smoke bush not afganistan is primo. love it.
im off to ghana next week but will try you after easter
thanks for getting back though
I wanted to get some practical advice of seeking places to sell, but mostly in seeking finance and investors. I am at stage one and facing the minimums issues which is proving a challenge. I plan to visit africa as i want to work with communities there but wondered how you met the people you work with was it just by chance recommendation or you had contacts??
lots of little but big questions
however you can advice i will appreciate
very it poss to have a chat with someone from the team to have a quick chat- i'd love any advice you can give me in starting up my business