Carol Ryder
  • Female
  • Runcorn, Cheshire
  • United Kingdom
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Carol Ryder's Friends

  • Sara Li-Chou Han
  • Sass Brown
  • ravi maheshwari
  • Katrina O'Brien
  • L
  • Anna Bairami
  • Shirley Leigh-Wood Oakes
  • Aretha Campbell
  • Launa Cresswell
  • Timo Rissanen
  • Remedy magazine
  • Praveen Varshnei
  • HAND/EYE Magazine
  • Deirdre Woods
  • James McAloon

Carol Ryder's Discussions

environmentally-friendly printing inks and dyes

Started this discussion. Last reply by Carol Ryder Apr 19, 2011. 4 Replies

Hi Everyone, I wonder if anyone can help me? I am looking for environmentally-friendly ways to print and dye fabrics made from 100% recycled PET (polyethylene triepthalate). Ideally, I would like the…Continue


Carol Ryder's Page

Profile Information

Profession / role:
fashion illustrator, lecturer, researcher
Company / organisation:
carol ryder illustration and portraiture
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Tutor, Consultant, Other
I am looking to discover or buy
ideas and contacts to feed into my lecturing work and research, and contacts, commissions and collaborations for my illustration business.
About me / About business or organisation:
fashion illustrator / lecturer with a conscience
Career history / Company history:
Having studied fashion design at Northumbria University and gained my BA (hons) in fashion design, I started my professional life as a fashion designer, fashion illustrator and freelance fashion lecturer. I completed my Masters in textile design in 2009 - a change being as good as a rest! - and currently divide my time between freelance fashion illustration, lecturing, and research. In particular I am currently looking for more commissions to further my illustration career.

EFF Source Expo - Winning Design!

I was thrilled to learn that my design (currently my profile image on this page) has been selected by EFF to grace the goodie-bags and t-shirts at the EFF Source Expo on October 6th.

I will be visiting the Source Expo as a guest of the EFF.

Can't wait!

Carol x

Comment Wall (14 comments)

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At 6:13pm on August 03, 2011, Alma Erzhanova gave Carol Ryder a gift
At 18:13 on August 3, 2011, Alma Erzhanova said…


Dear Carol!

I would very much appreciate your help. I am studying for an MA in Marketing at Kingston Business School under the supervision of Professor Robert East. We are conducting research about Fairtrade goods and ethical fashion clothes, and ask you to complete the enclosed short questionnaire. 
I am also offering a £50 shopping gift voucher to the lucky prize draw winner!!!!

Could you please complete this questionnaire, following the link
Thank you very much for your help.
Yours sincerely,

Alma Erzhanova

At 10:44 on May 17, 2011, David McGill said…

Hi Carol, Im very flexible. I completed a Japanese-themed project with Grays School of Art last year and had Heriot-Watt University students plan, organise and model at a fashion show for the Japanese Consul General. This year's project is called 'Americana'. I completed a millinery project with North College last year and am now doing one with their sister organisation in Nuremberg. I am currently finalising arrangements for a textiles/fashion project with the Pearl Academy in Jaipur and for an Africa-themed fashion show. I prefer the projects to have an international theme and positive social benefits because that encourages students to research other cultures and think more globally. I can give you more details and images if you contact me at   

At 1:52 on May 17, 2011, David McGill said…
Hi. Im up for that Carol. Does something with a European flavour interest you?
At 23:01 on May 16, 2011, Arti Sandhu said…
Hi Carol

Thank you for your message. The exhibition was very successful - you can download the catalogue from here

Let me know if this works, otherwise I could try posting you a copy
At 19:54 on March 27, 2011, Sass Brown said…

Thanks Barbara, much appreciated!  I'm onto the next one now.  Good luck with yours and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Sass Brown

At 13:29 on December 23, 2010, jacqueline said…

we must talk v soon re the fashion book i am putting together

love your work but need to hear your rates to see if i could commission you to do some pages


let me kknow your thoughts

have a good christmas in the meantime!

jacqueline x

(and join the book club too ) :)

At 14:43 on September 17, 2010, Praveen Varshnei said…
Hi Carol
I can supply in small quantity buttons at subsidised rates for your students.
At 14:25 on August 8, 2010, Katrina O'Brien said…
Dear Carol
Hello there, my name is Katrina O’Brien and I am currently doing primary research for my Dissertation. My question is: “Could the Fashion and Textile Industry be greener by using modern technology?
A brief intro: I will be doing my dissertation on sustainability; I am a strong believer that the Industry cannot continue on its present course. I will give a quick over view on clothes then paper. My point about technology and paper is that we all know Fashion is not only clothes but magazines and books and so on. Fashion magazines are a huge part of the Fashion and Textile industry; tragically they do as much damage as the clothes. But sadly magazine companies aren't really being that helpful when I ask them about environmental awareness.
I was wondering if you knew anyone that could point me in the right direction or if you yourself knew anything that could help me? Thanks! If you would like to email me, my address is
Take care and thank you for your time
At 14:25 on August 5, 2010, Laricea Ioana Roman said…
Dear Carol,

My name is Laricea Ioana Roman and I am a student at Kingston University, London (KU ID 0942659). I am doing a Master in Marketing, Advertising and Communications and at the moment I am writing my Dissertation. My topic is related to ethical clothing, more specifically, I am investigating how personal values influence customers' decision to buy ethical clothing. In order to come up with some answers for my topic, I need some opinions from people who actually bought ethical clothes.

This is the reason why I am kindly asking you to help me and fill in my questionnaire. It will take you no more than 10 minutes and you can win three books and £30 vouchers!

Thank you for your consideration,

Laricea Ioana Roman

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