Amy Sunshine Harris
  • Female
  • London
  • United Kingdom
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Amy Sunshine Harris's Friends

  • Hiten Joshi
  • Carmel Gardner
  • Sass Brown
  • ravi maheshwari
  • stanly rojas
  • Marissa Galan
  • Haute Verte Couture
  • Katrina O'Brien
  • L
  • Awamaki Lab
  • Tamie
  • Rebecca Tudi
  • Amy Vernon
  • Merideth Genin

Amy Sunshine Harris's Discussions


Started this discussion. Last reply by Amy Sunshine Harris Feb 21, 2011. 2 Replies

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Profile Information

Profession / role:
Research associate and designer
Company / organisation:
Westminster University
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Consumer, Designer, Student, Tutor
I am looking to discover or buy
Information and Inspiration
About me / About business or organisation:
I am a graduate fashion design student at the London College Fashion.

I have always been passionate about both Art and Fashion, and when it came to choosing what career path to go down I decided to take the fashion route, studying womenswear at the London College of Fashion. This did not mean that I neglected my passion for art, I have continued my favourite practice of observational drawing, which I hope to incorporate into print design.

For the final year of my degree I focused on ethical fashion. My final collection was produced sustainably, using a combination of organic, upcycled and second hand fabrics. For me, the decision to go 'ethical' was not a choice - I believe that it is the only option. I hope to be involved in bringing ethical fashion to the mainstream, through working with high street fashion companies.

I am about to embark on an ethical research project, researching the ethical consumer and striving to develop a personality profile. I will also be looking into whether education can play a role in changing consumer attitudes.

Alongside this I hope to work freelance in ethical design, working alongside the companies 21 Things I love and Annie Greenabelle.

For me, ethical fashion holds a multitude of opportunity, and I am excited to embark on a career focused on this area.
Career history / Company history:
The London College of Fashion.
Work experience: Browns London
Oh Baby London
Work: Retail, Office Assistant, Catering

Amy Sunshine Harris's Blog

Ethical Fashion Survey

Posted on February 21, 2011 at 19:21 0 Comments

Hi all, 


Please check out two online surveys I have put together. The first one concerns ethical fashion consumption, the results of which will contribute to a project profiling ethical consumers:


The second survey is about fashion consumption generally, and is for women…


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At 16:56 on February 12, 2011, Sass Brown said…

Hi Amy,

Thanks for the outreach, and the pics above are lovely. I'd be happy to include them on my resource section of my  blog if you send me some bio info etc.

At 4:51 on September 7, 2010, Vikash Chandra Sinha said…
At 11:46 on August 11, 2010, Laricea Ioana Roman said…
Thanks so much for your help! Yes I will post my results on Ethical Fashion Forum and if you would like to see my entire dissertation I could send it to you after I finish it.

Best wishes,
At 9:39 on August 11, 2010, Laricea Ioana Roman said…
Dear Amy,

My name is Laricea Ioana Roman and I am a student at Kingston University, London (KU ID 0942659). I am doing a Master in Marketing, Advertising and Communications and at the moment I am writing my Dissertation. My topic is related to ethical clothing. In order to come up with some answers for my topic, I need some opinions from people who actually bought ethical clothes.

This is the reason why I am kindly asking you to help me and fill in my questionnaire. It will take you no more than 10 minutes and you can win three books and £30 vouchers!

Thank you for your consideration,

Laricea Ioana Roman
At 17:05 on June 18, 2010, Tamie said…

I studied @ University Of East London on the Docklands camps and have done a BTEC ND in Fashion Design Technology @ London College of fashion and a Art and Design course @ Camberwell college of Arts which was fun....If I do a MA next year? I will defo apply to University of the arts as it has the best name for a reason UEL is so so but I wont tarnish the uni just in case someone is connect to them on this website lol :)....

I will do the whole website and add some photos of my work real soon its on my list of things to do :)

Hope u have a fab evening
At 13:24 on June 18, 2010, David McGill said…
Hi again Amy. With a name like Harris how could you not like tweed? :). Yes we still produce tartan in Scotland (and England). Of my 80 designs I have around 40 in stock. My businesses are 'social businesses' using ethically-produced fabric and I am always keen to collaborate on projects. If you drop me a line at I'll send you you images and details that might interest you.
At 12:57 on June 18, 2010, Tamie said…

I just graduated doing a BA Textiles Print Design course and now im thinking I might do a MA in Design next year.... currently working part time as a sales assistant and looking to move from that and gain more work experience and do more creative projects to add to my cv :)......

How did u find out about this site?

At 10:20 on June 18, 2010, Tamie said…
Hi Hun

Just wanted to say I luv your website really interest.

At 2:33 on June 18, 2010, David McGill said…
Good luck with your career Amy. If I can help let me know.
At 11:46 on June 7, 2010, George said…
Hi Amy,
Thanks for reaching out to me and hope you have a wonderful day.