David McGill



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
tartans for Africa
Website (if you have one):
www.tartansforafrica.com / www.internationaltartans.co.uk / www.sakurascotland.com
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Supplier, Manufacturer
I am looking to discover or buy
joint ventures, suppliers
About me / About business or organisation:
enthusiastic about using fashion to effect greater economic and social justice

This is the YouTube link for the Tartans for Africa fashion show. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tartans+for+africa&...
Career history / Company history:
chartered architect . Started designing textiles 10 years ago

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  • johanna

    Hey David,

    I've reviewed your work and am thoroughly impressed with what you do. I think you can be a great source of inspiration for my Thesis. I am really trying to think of ways that I can work with the community in dominican republic in a cost effective manor. I love your idea of creating domestic good to export, but how did you go about to find sponsorship for your program with the 49'ers for example. I only have one year to do my thesis, I want to make sure that I can hit the ground running.. :)
  • Patricio Sarmiento

    Hi David, Part of our curriculum at Parsons Paris are projects with the industry, and now I'm looking forward to link education and professionals to develop sustainable projects and to promote social responsibility.
  • johanna

    hm... a cloth. This is something I will look into. I will try and start by researching some textile mills in the area and see what local cloths they are producing. I feel that resources are limited in Dominican Republic, as is technology, I am not sure what cloths they would be able to produce. Something cotton based I am sure... I like this idea very much... let me do some research and get back to you on this. Thanks for the suggestion David :) I am not sure how this will tie into community work, as that is my primary goal..but I am sure it will come as I continue to develop the project! :)
  • Alexandra Naranjo

    Hi David, I would really appreciate your help and thanks in advance for this! I am just starting to develop the business idea, and I am currently on a research stage. I am really interested, can you email me at alexnaca@hotmail.com with more information?
    Best, Alex
  • johanna

    David... do you feel like taking a trip to the dominican republic? :)
  • ilaria gentili

    Thank you very much for the proposal!!Actually now I'm preparing my thesis on sustanaibility in the fashion sector analysing the usefulness of social media, trying to develop and create new theories on this! Anyway I would like to develop in my future a new sustainable business useful for the poorest countries, now I'm assistant for a fashion designer! ;)
  • Anupa Horvil

    Dear david
    My name is anupa and i wanted to get in touch with you regarding your work and also some information that Jaqueline gave me about you.

    please feel free to email anu@anupa.net or skype me anupaaccessories
  • Anupa Horvil

    Dear David
    great and please do drop me an email.
  • Desta Itote

    Hi David,

    Yes, I am always looking for story ideas:)

  • Caroline Papazian

    a launch is good too I'm preparing a Tv story on sustainable fashion, so open to anything really !
  • Caroline Papazian

    I've just started a discussion on the forum, check it out to see what I'm looking for
  • Mary Hanlon

    Hi David,
    Thank you so much for your support on Social Alterations. I'm looking forward to sharing ideas with respect to the social and environmental challenges within the industry with you in this forum! I am excited to read up on what tartans for africa is doing. I hope you will keep me posted on the work!
  • Ashley Hasty

    Hi David,
    I've only briefly heard about tartan. It is absolutely beautiful in wedding apparel! Why do you ask?

  • Ashley Hasty

    That is really fascinating! I had no idea the extent of tartan's popularity. I hope to have a wedding gown made of tartan in my collection someday. I'll be sure to contact you when I do to help me get accurate historical information. It was a pleasure meeting you.

  • Carrie McDermitt

    HI David,
    I have been working mainly with silk, wool, and other natural fabrics, with a focus on the drape and hand. I am currently researching smart fabrics with an emphasis on functionality, such as heat transfer, static and abrasion resistance, antimicrobial, and washability. I look forward to speaking with you! :)
  • Suzanne Potts

    Dear David

    Thank you for your email. I am about to start an MA in Ethical Fashion so I will definitely contact you in the near future.

  • Marina Caramagno

    Ciao David!
    Thanks for your message, I am definitely intersted in what you are doing and in a collaboration with you. Could yo send me a link to your web page or would you send me some images of your work, so that can show it to my team?
    Thanks again

    Best reguards

  • Prama Bhardwaj

    David - thats just fantastic! Congratulations on the African tartan! And best of luck, what a wonderful story
  • Ida Horner

    Hi David,

    Many thanks for the info through the post. I am sorry for not getting in touch sooner, I went off toe Sweden for a conference on Human computer interaction. What fun hanging out with geeks and thinkers!. Hope to speak soon
  • ngum

    hey david, it's temporarily unavailable. please send to mngafor@hotmail.com.

  • Andrew Campbell

    Hi David sorry for taking so long to respond to you.
    I have just been chatting with the fashion lecturer in the college about you and the possibility of being involved with the Irish tartan in fashion for the event.
    Her name is Lynda Byrne and her email is byrnel@ncad.ie
    I would suggest that you contact her directly and explain how a joint project will work in terms of date and fabric sourcing and costs etc. as I said before im in the printed textile area so any joint project would have to involve printing. The weave are could be interested but it seems your main focus is the involvement of a fashion course.
    How is it all going any way. Mention my name when you contact Lynda so she will immediately know about the project.
    Good Luck

    Andrew Campbell
  • Hannah Casey

    I work for assembly promoting plays itself. Were you there this year? The festival is amazing, I would love to actually perform next year.
  • Deborah Kimathi

    Hi David,

    Thanks for your message. I will emal you later today.

  • Rupa Ganguli

    HI David, thanks for your message. Would be interested to hear more. Best, Rupa
  • Rupa Ganguli

    hi David, Thanks and noted.
  • Leona Mani

    Hi David - I think your project is fantastic and I will definintely be listing tartansforafrica on my website, www.bestfairtrade.com - it is still early days and am in the process of expanding the site to include a forum for both consumers and suppliers/manufacturers to have their say. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.... Best wishes, Leona
  • Holly Pressdee

    Hey, My name is Holly Pressdee and I saw your friends pictures or tartan and he told me to get in contact with you - John Melvin.
    I have just graduated from Chelsea College of art and studied textile design and specialised in weaving. my final collection involved tartan and looking into sustainable fashion and textiles organic yarns and natural dyes.
    But im now looking to get more experience with the industry and wondered if you could give me any advice. I want to extend my design skills and learn more about the industry.
    Hope to hear from you soon
  • Magnifeco.com

    Hi David!
    Thanks for the contact. Can you send me an email at Kate@magnifeco.com?
  • Barbara Anderson

    Hi David - That is a great idea. I live in merino wool all year round. We who love wool are a small group and should stick together.
    I checked out your website. What a great project.
    Let me know your ideas for a wool group and how I can help.
  • Magnifeco.com

    Also - can you send me the link for the Tartans for Africa project, I read about it in the comments below but couldn't find it on the link you sent me.
  • Vibha Pinglé

    Hi David, thanks for your msg. Could we explore this further via email (vpingle@ubuntuatwork.org)?

  • Nadine Taylor

    Hello David.
    Absolutely. What do you have in mind. You can email me at MsNadine.Taylor@gmail.com.


    Hi David, at the moment we only have organic cotton items traceable online, but we are always looking for ways to expland what fabrics are in Track & Trace!
  • Vivienne Chantal Jones

    Hi David, Thanks for your comment! At the moment I am busy trying to grow this business as well as set something else up. The factory we use is based in Egypt. They need patterns and designs as they do not do any design work in house. If you want to discuss this further please send email to viv@crucialblue.com

  • Theresa Hamilton

    David, Thank you for your comments, will be in touch.
  • mariemarie

    Hello David, To answer your question-yes. Why do you ask?

  • Paola Spataro

    I David,
    yes I would like to.
    Please tell me more...
  • Maya Persaud

    Great, please send me more details.
  • Red Thread Fashion Show

    Hi There! Would love to hear what you're up to! Please let me know at anna@redthread.gr!

  • mario lewis

    Hello David,
    I emailed you some days ago about some questions and my interest in your business.
    Can you gget back to me, I would appreciate your reply very much.

    Thanks. I look forward to what you have to show me.
  • Anubhuti Jain

    hi david i like the thought.. n i have a feeling you have something on your head... we could look at an opportunity to work together... share your ideas....!
  • kaethner lewitanski sabina

    hi david,
    I am indeed in my final year and will be starting to design my final collection.
    why do you ask? are you looking for interns?
  • Cristina Saenz

    Hi David

    All ideas are very welcome! Please let me know your suggestions. We're in the "research" phase.

  • Anubhuti Jain

    hi david... here's my email id.. anubhutijain@yahoo.com... you can mail me the details asap.. n i hope we could work it out.. thnks for showing interest... tkcr!
  • Julianne Applegate

    Hello David,

    Thanks! I am having a blast with the collection. I am actually at the factory right now running production. I am curious what you specifically mean about "Americanizing" the collection. I am a well traveled American. My designs have always done well in the US and internationally. Are you commenting about the styling of the collection, or are you speaking more practically about placing all production in the US? The bulk, 98%+, of our raw materials are made in the US. I tried to place the cut and sew labor in the US. My former connections had all closed shop. I also have close relationships in the Caribbean with ethical manufacturers. I love being here, the team is great and this country very much needs the work. I would love to hear more about what you were thinking.
  • garima agrawal

    ya.......that's really a great idea .i want to create something contemporary with international silhouttes and having indian motife and embroideries.
  • kaethner lewitanski sabina

    hi david, my email is
  • Julie Elver

    Hi David, tell me more..
  • Barbara Wong

    Hi David, it's nice to hear from you. I'm not sure if I can help but please give me more information about your concerns.