Red Thread Fashion Show




Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Ethical Fashion Event Productions
Company / organisation:
Red Thread
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Consultant, Other
I am looking to discover or buy
International partners that wish to expand and encapture our efforts aorund the Meditarranean zone to enhance ethical consumerism in fashion garments and share our passion and hard work to spread the message around our home country's and international marketplace driving change, happiness and prosperity to the developing world.
About me / About business or organisation:
Red Thread’s field of action involves the annual organization of two(bi-annual) Ethical Fashion Weeks in Athens a must-attend event of the year, raising awareness around ethical consumerism and presenting the best Ethical Designers from around the globe. Our mission is to enhance awareness around ethical fashion and drive conusmers to change their purchasing behavious establishing ethical consumerism in the fashion retail sector. Likewise, we are working with Greek industrialists from the textile, shoe and furniture sector that are keen to capture the opportunity of expanding early in Ethical fashion trend and investing in their brand's equity as a trend-setting and socially responsible brand.
Career history / Company history:
Anna Amiradaki is the co-founder of RED THREAD as well as the owner of a small scale but succesful silk apparel company, producing silk scarves from the last manufacturer producing organic silk in Greece. On top of that she is an Economist, having graduated from UCL in 2001, she has served the profession of Marketing Consultant to important industry manufacturers, with a main focus on social and good-cause marketing. She is actively involved in philanthropic work and fund-raising for NGO's around children's welfare since 1996.

Comment Wall:

  • David McGill

    Hi Anna, I hope the fashion show goes well. I share your mission to enhance awareness and drive consumers to change their purchasing behaviour. I think I can be of some asssistance to you. If you contact me at I'll forward details.
  • Athena Bentila - MuMu organic


    My name is Athena Bentila and i am the owner and designer of the 1st ethical fashion label in Greece called "MuMu".

    Since i am starting wholesale i am searching for retailers who would be interested in stocking my brand "MuMu".
    Please take a look at my website and let me know if you are interested in "MuMu" green clothes for women.

    I would be happy to hear from you.
    You can e-mail me at :

    Thank you