I am looking for Organic fabrics in Indonesia, can anyone help me? I will be in Indonesia in 3 weeks time developing a new range for my label and researching into ethical fashion out there.

So any help would be fab!

If anyone knows anything about producing in Indonesia.

I am also interested in fair trade co-operatives based out there.

Many Thanks

May Cortazzi

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What do you mean Organic fabrics? Do you want to make clothes of those organic materials. I don't know how to make dresses, because I always wear lacoste shirts, which provides me much comfort.
Hello Mavis

Im Looking For Bamboo, Tencel, Organic Cotton, Hemp and Silk.
Hi there

I am also looking for ethical manufacturing and fabrics in Indonesia. I am a babywear brand so quite different to you. I was wondering if you would like to work together on this research and pass on any info that you may have. I have found a place that does organic clothing and vegetable dyes in Bali. Let me know if you want me to pass on this contact. Do you have any infomation on Fair Trade cotton, when I spoke to Fair trade they told me that it may come from India but I am sure there must be Fair Trade cotton in Indonesia.


Hi there

OF Course

What have you found out so far? Would love this contact you have.

My friend in Bandung makes babywear ethically.

But not certified and inks is not organic but if you supplied him with what you want to use he could help.

FAIR TRADE/ORGANIC FABRICS- Dont exist Im 100% sure after researching this in full, you have to buy them from India and Import them.. This is becuse they dont grow organic cotton and Fair trade certification doesn't exist here for fashion garments YET... I know this because I spoke to Fair Trade Org directly...

However Im working on getting together a collective of designers/labels, I have sourced where we can buy Raw Organic cotton in Indo certified by SKAL so all we need to do is spin it into jersey...

Lets Talk


Anja and I have set up some online forums and groups
which brings together people from Indonesia, Asia and across the World in order to discuss, share
and exchange ideas regarding ethical fashion on the archipelago.

These groups will connect together designers, fabric supplies, small producers, manufacturers, media and
universities all with an interest in Ethical Fashion.

The forums will help bring people together on an international level, help raise awareness, explore innovative
eco fabrics and promote ethical fashion through workshops, events, fashion shows and exhibitions.

Please join us, share your ideas and invite others who may be interested?

Feel free to start discussions and get involved

Here are the groups you can join below:-

Ethical Fashion Indonesia on NING
Ethical Fashion Forum an International network of ethical designers.

Ethical Fashion Indonesia on Linkedin

Ethical Fashion Indonesia on Facebook

Look forward in hearing from you,

Kind regards

May Cortazzi

Dear May, we have recently launched our web shop www.annliz.com.
Just to summarize shortly ANNLIZ’S vision and content: ANNLIZ is showing and selling online the best high-end ethical fashion made by international designers based in Bali. Each of the designers is internationally known and respected for their handmade, exclusive design products and their involvement in ethical fashion. They work as a community and are based at small workshops with local craftsman in a secure and safe surrounding under good conditions.
We are working towards improving the fashion industry on Bali and we are gathering informations and taking concrete steps to do so. Fee free to contatc us, Mera
Dear Mera

This looks great to me

Ive been researching this in full and maybe we can share info?

Whats your email address lets talk

Mine is may@regenerateclothing.com

Please get in touch

Dear May,

Yes. lets do so. The fabrics are difficult to find but their sure is a lot of potential. My email address is: mera@annliz.com/. Looking forward to share information, love Mera

This is May Cortazzi Anja and I have set up some online forums and groups
which brings together people from Indonesia, Asia and across the World in order to discuss, share
and exchange ideas regarding ethical fashion on the archipelago.

These groups will connect together designers, fabric supplies, small producers, manufacturers, media and
universities all with an interest in Ethical Fashion.

The forums will help bring people together on an international level, help raise awareness, explore innovative
eco fabrics and promote ethical fashion through workshops, events, fashion shows and exhibitions.

Please join us, share your ideas and invite others who may be interested?

Feel free to start discussions and get involved

Here are the groups you can join below:-

Ethical Fashion Indonesia on NING
Ethical Fashion Forum an International network of ethical designers.

Ethical Fashion Indonesia on Linkedin

Ethical Fashion Indonesia on Facebook

Look forward in hearing from you,

Kind regards

May Cortazzi



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