Greg Valerio
  • Male
  • Chichester
  • United Kingdom
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  • Christian Cheesman

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Profile Information

Profession / role:
Fair Trade Jeweller
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Tutor, Consultant
I am looking to discover or buy
Other jewellers who wish to develop traceable supply chains and learn how to be a fair trade jeweller and/or designers
About me / About business or organisation:
My background is in human rights and fair trade education. Over the last 15 years I have focused on developing fully traceable supply chains in gold, diamonds and gemstones through CRED Jewellery. I have been foundational in the development of the Fairtrade Gold standard with FLO and ARM. My personal desire is to work with young designers to facilitate their working in certified and traceable materials and to drive the human rights and environmental justice message and practice into the heart of the Jewellery industry.
Career history / Company history:
1991 started CRED as a development education charity.
1996 started CRED Jewellery the original fair trade fine jeweller.
1998 Campaign t-shirts with Katharine Hamnett
2003 published "Towards and Ethical Jewellery Business'
2004 Linked with Oro Verde to retail the UK & Europes first fully traceable certified gold wedding rings.
2005 Co founded The Alliance for Responsible Mining.
2009 Left CRED to focus on developing & facilitating the broader fair trade & ethical jewellery movement.
Currently working with Fairtrade Foundation London on the launch of Fairtrade Gold to the UK and global market.

Greg Valerio's Blog

Kamoka Pearls - The riches of the sea

Posted on April 14, 2010 at 13:32 0 Comments

Kamoka Pearls – The riches of the sea.

The Pearl farm at sunset

Established in 1991 Kamoka Pearls is built on two basic principles. Ecological and social responsibility. It was clear to me just talking with Josh at the Tuscon Gem Fair this year that he and…


Apartheid Ruby of Greenland

Posted on March 10, 2010 at 13:30 0 Comments

Surely this cannot be, the word Apartheid is a strong word to apply to such a benign idea as Ruby from Greenland. Yet unfortunately and to the shame of Denmark and Greenland this is exactly what is happening.

Inuit and Greenlanders are being intentionally marginalised from

prospecting, owning and selling ruby from the very island that is…

Truth or Dare - The legacy of Gold Mining...

Posted on February 19, 2010 at 9:51 0 Comments

Jewellers who are rightly concerned about the providence of their raw materials will no doubt be concerned to have read at the beginning

of the year another account of an irresponsible Canadian gold mining

company. Goldcorp Group has been accused by CAFOD the UK Catholic Aid

agency of polluting the local river systems of the Siria Valley.

To quickly recap in September 2008 CAFOD found clear evidence of

contamination of water sources at a Goldcorp mine…


The Virtuous Jewellery Circle

Posted on February 2, 2010 at 16:31 0 Comments

Being a fair trade and ethical jeweller is not easy. It takes time, money and conviction to move towards a place where our knowledge of the impact our business has on our supply chain is as detailed as our knowledge of our finished products, customers and profit lines.

Some have argued that it is not the responsibility of the jeweller to engage in the many complex issues that the long and complicated supply chains throw up. Yet as we all know, first through the impact that 'conflict… Continue

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At 17:50 on February 2, 2010, Kirsten Muenster said…
Hi Greg - It's nice to connect. You are an inspiring pioneer in our field - I admire the work you've done (and continue to do) to raise awareness of the need for ethical, fair trade and traceable materials in the jewelry industry. I look forward to talking with you further.

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