Amy Sunshine Harris



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Research associate and designer
Company / organisation:
Westminster University
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Consumer, Designer, Student, Tutor
I am looking to discover or buy
Information and Inspiration
About me / About business or organisation:
I am a graduate fashion design student at the London College Fashion.

I have always been passionate about both Art and Fashion, and when it came to choosing what career path to go down I decided to take the fashion route, studying womenswear at the London College of Fashion. This did not mean that I neglected my passion for art, I have continued my favourite practice of observational drawing, which I hope to incorporate into print design.

For the final year of my degree I focused on ethical fashion. My final collection was produced sustainably, using a combination of organic, upcycled and second hand fabrics. For me, the decision to go 'ethical' was not a choice - I believe that it is the only option. I hope to be involved in bringing ethical fashion to the mainstream, through working with high street fashion companies.

I am about to embark on an ethical research project, researching the ethical consumer and striving to develop a personality profile. I will also be looking into whether education can play a role in changing consumer attitudes.

Alongside this I hope to work freelance in ethical design, working alongside the companies 21 Things I love and Annie Greenabelle.

For me, ethical fashion holds a multitude of opportunity, and I am excited to embark on a career focused on this area.
Career history / Company history:
The London College of Fashion.
Work experience: Browns London
Oh Baby London
Work: Retail, Office Assistant, Catering

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