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  • Pauline C

    I am glad to read about what you are doing. It's not an easy way... but i am happy to see others are finding a way. Would love to hear more about why you started to do this.
  • Jane A. Nelson

    Hello Ingrid,
    Thanks for the invitation - look forward to an interesting connection with you & Lilou in the future.
    And, by the way .. best wishes in your new venture!

    Best rgds.,
  • Ellen Agger

    Nice to meet you, Ingrid. We've been working with Thai and Lao women's weaving groups for several years now. Lots and lots of challenges, so I wish you the best; you can create opportunities for Cambodians if you persevere.

    Ellen Agger, TAMMACHAT Natural Textiles, www.tammachat.com
  • Ellen Agger

    Two resources that might be of interest:

    1. Nui, a Thai woman living in Australia, looking for outlets for her very fine merino wool (which come from her "four-legs silkworms" (a reference from her cultural point of view!): nuimilton@westnet.com.au

    2. Linda Drury of Floating Stone Silks: she works extensively with Cambodian dyers and weavers (at least for the last 5 years); tell her Ellen sent you! http://www.floatingstonesilks.com/

    Hope these leads are helpful.

    In fair trade,
    Ellen Agger, TAMMACHAT Natural Textiles, www.tammachat.com
  • Ellen Agger

    Linda is your gal for sharing info about Cambodia, but I'm quite happy to talk about lessons we've learned about working in that part of the world. I'm on Skype: ellenagger. Perhaps we can talk sometime.

  • tameron stuber

    Hi Ingrid, thank you :)

    as far as eco-friendly leather sources, here in bangladesh i would say they are not there yet... the waste managment is really bad, harsh chemicals, water waste,as well as health protection of workers, its a really dirty business. they are work on cleaning it up and moving all the tanneries to one set area to contol waste an such. I dont have a great source for eco friendly leather but i would say china or india would be better, here is a link to a tannery that pategonia uses in china, but im guessing their minimum order would be high. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYpAlmV5sNw
  • tameron stuber

    also just read your info, cool you are doing a project in cambodia! wish you the best, would love to here more about it
  • Mary King

    Hello Ingrid, Thanks for making contact, your project sounds great ,so if you would like to have a chat that would be good. Always interested in similar projects.,ours is best told through the articles by Dena Kaye on our press page which outline the whole start up story . I think you would fine these articles interesting. That is on our website www.panchachuli.co.uk
    Let me know what you think! Best regards, Mary mary@panchachuli.co.uk


    We are India based hosiery clothing manufacturers and supplier. We supply clothing based on customer's style and spec. Materials are used cotton, organic cotton, bamboo, soy etc.

    Also we are engaged in supplying Natural Herbal Dyed Garments.


    Thiyagarajan, Raaghavi Exports, India
  • Nikos Narkissos ( Peeyush)

    hi dere!!! how are you doing?
    Greetingz from India!
  • Ellen Agger

    Thanks for your comment on our new site, Ingrid. Love your work and site too.

    TAMMACHAT Natural Textiles, www.tammachat.com