tameron stuber




Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Fashion designer
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
opportunities and jobs in sustainable fashion
About me / About business or organisation:
I am origionally from the United States and currently living in Bangladesh working as a leather goods designer. I am seeking to transition into greener more sustainable fashion design, and am just seeking information and future possiblities in the area.
Career history / Company history:
Currently working as a designer for a company in dhaka, bangladesh

Comment Wall:

  • L

    Welcome Tameron,

    Would love to learn about leatherwork. Been wondering about a source of eco-friendly leather in India or SE Asia.
  • L

    Hey thanks for the info...I suspected that much about the tanning process. Interesting to hear India and China might be ahead of the curve. I only need very small quantities at the moment, I buy leftovers hides from big companies, not an issue at the moment....just thinking of the future.

    Thanks for your kind words on the Cambodian adventure....;-)