David McGill



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
tartans for Africa
Website (if you have one):
www.tartansforafrica.com / www.internationaltartans.co.uk / www.sakurascotland.com
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Supplier, Manufacturer
I am looking to discover or buy
joint ventures, suppliers
About me / About business or organisation:
enthusiastic about using fashion to effect greater economic and social justice

This is the YouTube link for the Tartans for Africa fashion show. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tartans+for+africa&...
Career history / Company history:
chartered architect . Started designing textiles 10 years ago

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  • Recognise Magazine

    Hi David, sorry for not getting in touch till now.
    If you are still interested in discussing your project with us.

    Get at us via email Recognisemag@live.com

  • Jo Kozlowski

    we are going out to Namibia at the end of the month to meet all involved and launch the project. What is your project?
  • Verena Oberrauch

    Hi David,

    my project in DRC is not so much related to fashion, but maybe I can still help with contacts... please let me know how i can help! Really love your fabrics, by the way! Just gorgeous! I have some questions about it... is it suitable for upholstery or is it very stretchy? If suitable, where could I buy some?
  • Nikki kent

    Hi David

    I suppose I'm a designer of sorts but really I only dabble into fashion design in my spare time. During the day I'm the women's wear buyer for an independent clothing store called Goodstead on Rose Street in Edinburgh. By night I'm a singer! You may well have heard me waling away at a wedding if you've been to any lately...one of the bands I sing with seems to have the edinburgh market covered! My own band are a very different animal.

    Check us out:



    I love your fabrics! I've only just started on my career path as a buyer but I have always had a keen interest in trying to increase the amount of ethical lables available on the market. There are more and more labels trying to do something ethical and modern these days, we recently introduced Cecilia Hamorborg to our collection and she's doing just that.

    I'm off to have a deek at your site..

  • Sian Edith Francesca Wallace

    Why aye man!
  • Kay Profido

    Do you have a website I can look at?..prices, fabric types etc
  • staceyashton

    Hi David,

    Please let me know how to look at your stuff! Thanks!! :-)
  • Serina

    Hello David,

    The Fabrics look amazing. How do I find out about prices etc?

    Serina @ Ju' Bella
  • Alice Forel

    Hi David,
    Thanks a lot for your message. What do you supply? Can you tell me more? Do you have a website?
    Thanks, Alice
  • Teresa Nersesyan


    And what is it that Californians can do exactly?
  • Tally Wade

    Do you do silk?
  • Sade

    Hi David,
    Many thanks for coming back to me.
    I am very interested in your proposal and i hope to hear from you soon
  • Anders Bengs

    Hey dude, sorry haven´t seen it! You know it?
  • Beraudier

    Hi David!
    Actually,I just discovered the Finnish tartans! Thay look nice!
  • Ngaire Takano

    Hi David,

    I like the Hanami or sakura style tartans - very pretty. My daughter who is doing design and is half japanese would love one as well.

    Let me know how I can be of assitance.

    Look forward to hearing from you.


  • Ecologique Fashion // REFIX

    Hi David,

    Sorry it took me half a year to respond to your very good question!

    Ecologique Fashion Show drew a huge amount of people and press within San Diego. The goal was to educate consumers and I think even the fact that some Chargers fans did show up wasn't such a bad thing. A lot of people in the US--let alone Southern CA-- want to be more ethically sound when it comes to their consumption habits. Many just aren't sure where to start and many are unfortunately addicted to material objects! The first thing to conquer in converting is obviously to educate, and that truly was the goal; to plant a seed in the heads of those who generally put a negative stigma upon sustainability and green products in general. The fact that the event received interest/attention from designers in the area as well as models and the general public gives me hope that we can slowly make a difference in limiting negatively habitual consumption and minimize some carbon footprints.

    Thank you so much for your concern and your comment :)

    ..And cheers to your contributions to the Ethical Fashion Forum in addition to your other ventures.


  • Robyn Blundell

    Thanks David, I have always loved tartan! What kind of things are you involved in?
  • Robyn Blundell

    hey Its robynblundell@gmail.com, look forward to hearing about your project!
  • Patsy Perry

    Hi David, sure, I would be interested in hearing about how we could help you out. Pls email me on p.perry@hw.ac.uk with more details. Thanks, Patsy.
  • helen Gordon

    Thanks. I have designed the fabric myself and got it printed up.
  • Rui Morais

    Hi David, you have a very interesting project. I have a friend who was on YES summit, last week in Sweden, and we've already spoken about Tartans for Africa, especially in Angola and Mozambique.
    Please take a look on the photos VERA VIANA collection, created by me.
  • Rui Morais

    The Portuguese tartan is beautiful, David!
  • helen Gordon

    What kind of fabric would you like to get printed? Do you want new designs producing as well?
    let me know more details and i'll see what I can do.


    Helen Gordon
  • helen Gordon

    Can you let me know abit more.
    Do you want it printed organically, in this country or abroad?
    What minimums do you need?
    What is the price you are looking for?
    When do you need it for?
  • Rui Morais

    Good question, David. We've to think about it. Keep in touch
  • Prama Bhardwaj

    Hi David
    Thanks for the enquiry. We make traditional East African fabrics - masai blankets in acrylic and cotton kangas / kitenge (the traditional wraps worn by women). Brands like Soko use kitenge fabric to make some really nice pieces (dresses and skirts etc). Min order qties are pretty high though for own designs - 12,000 metres per design. Let me know if of interest?
    Take care
  • Kristi Kuusk

    Hi David,

    Thank you for the message. What are you looking for more precisely? You can e-mail me at kristi.kuusk@gmail.com.
    Best regards,
  • Amy Sunshine Harris

    Hi David,

    I absolutely love tartan, and used some reclaimed tartans and tweeds in my final collection at uni.
    Do you still produce tartans in Scotland? I am hopefully going to be working on a project soon, and will look to source sustainable tartan - or even scraps/end of line...

    Do you think this is something you might be able to help with?

    Thanks, Amy
  • Fashioning an Ethical Industry

    HI David,

    Tamsin at EFF said we should get in touch with you about our new Scottish Network project. Great to see you have joined the group.

    Would you be interested in sharing your story and speaking at the launch event we are planning in September? Date and venue still to be confirmed.

    Many thanks

  • Froydis Dybdahl Archer

    Thanks for comment on our mikono kntis products. I looked at yr website. Interesting! Where do you do yr fashion shows?
  • Sidhant Minocha

    hello , i am a student and haven't started my own label as of now, but few of my seniors already have their studios. i'll direct them to you. :)
  • Sidhant Minocha

    i am personally in love with the Scottish checks and would definitely contact you for this fabric once i open up my label. but if anytime you need to get apparels designed i can freelance them for you :) because i love playing with checkered fabric
  • Sidhant Minocha

    okay . that would be great. i'll get back to you with the details of the contacts
  • Sidhant Minocha

    can i have your email id , so dat my contact can directly contact you.
  • Megan

    Hi David! Im interested in hearing more, Thanks.
  • Mor Aframian

    Hello David,

    If you are looking to collaborate with some designers from North Carolina, I've got a full contact list of great designers. I have worked with many of them for more than 4 years now, while producing my eco-friendly fashion shows. Let me know if that sounds interesting to you... uniting designers from around the world with one common design challenge.
  • Mallory Meagan McConnell

    Hi David,
    Thanks for your message! I am always interested in collaborating with industry members, and would be happy to help out however possible. We have a great team of designers here at NC State, and if you could supply some more information about your event, I would be happy to pass it along to the right people.
    Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing from you!
  • Mor Aframian

    I will what I can do... I have some planning to do for an October show. So I will be in touch with you about this!
  • Claire Stanhope

    Hello David,
    Thanks for contacting me, I would love to hear more about you and am very interested in learning more about this possible collaboration. I am very interested in green fashion and would love to get involved with people from the industry who have the same mindset!
    look forward to hearing from you

    Thank you for your comment, it is very encouraging. I will bare your offer in mind.
  • kathy kyle

    hi david! thanks for your inquiry! while i can't speak for everyone in VA about its design sensibility ( a very diverse, dynamic state i have only lived in for 7 years or so - i am originally from California), i can say that for me, i am drawn graphic and fashion design that is balanced and has clean lines, that enables people to express themselves fully and embraces who they are. so for me good, clean design is all about simplicity and being true to your own personal brand. i am working on a project right now about the style+fashion around dressing for work/your occupation and how those in dc+va approach it...for me it's all about being true to yourself...i have friends who are very green (sustainable) and those who wear trainers with their suits - it will be an interesting project. cheers! your designs are stunning!
  • Alice Read

    Hi Dave,
    Great what sort of thing are you doing? Do you have a website? Where are you based?
  • Alyssa Marie Bird

    Hi David!!
    How exciting, my first comment on here. :) I am definitely interested in checking out new designers. Send them my way. Thanks so much!!
  • Camille Perumal

    Hi David,
    Tartans for Africa sounds like an admirable venture and I am very interested in learning more. x
  • Holly Louise Syrett

    Hi David, the competition is open to anyone and everyone who has a vision on the (sustainable) future of fashion!
  • Sidhant Minocha

    Hi David. i have mailed you the detail of a manufacturing unit who have agreed to produce the fabric for you. please check your mail for the same.
    Sidhant Minocha
  • Mark Timmins

    David lets talk
    I wonder whether we could set a phone meeting or are you in the Borders at any time so that we can combine the journey with something else and do our tiny bit for the planet......
  • Olga Szynkarczuk

    Hi David,
    Great Tartans! I will definately keep them in mind when I'll be designing my next collection.
    May I ask who was the designer you sponsored at Fashion Week Poland?
    All the Best
  • Laricea Ioana Roman

    Dear David,

    I am kindly asking you to help me and fill in my questionnaire. It will take you no more than 10 minutes and you can win three books and £30 vouchers!

    Thank you for your consideration,

    Laricea Ioana Roman
  • Rosalind Lister

    Hi David, I am interested to know about your products, do you have a website? Chiswick Churches usually orgaise Speaker events. I am currently involved with an All Faith's event in November for Interfaith Week including a Fashion show with a focus on sustainability and care of the planet, as an expression of faith (Nov).