Fashioning an Ethical Industry


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Non-profit organisation
Company / organisation:
Labour Behind the Label
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
Enthusiastic, ethically minded, students & educators
About me / About business or organisation:
Fashioning an Ethical Industry (FEI) is a fashion-education project of Labour Behind the Label. The project works with tutors and students on fashion-related courses to give an overview of how the fashion industry can positively and negatively impact on the working conditions in garment manufacture and to inspire students - as the next generation of industry players - to raise standards for workers in the fashion industry of the future.

We run student workshops, organise tutor training events, provide teaching resources and work with tutors to integrate ethical issues related to garment manufacture into their teaching.
Career history / Company history:
FEI works with all fashion colleges across the UK. Whilst we cannot claim all of the success since the project started, there are now more than 30 universities covering ethical issues. For example; the Reader in Sustainable Fashion at London College of Fashion, a Professor of Ethical Fashion at Northumbria & MAs in Ethical Fashion at UCA & LCF.

FEI is a 5 year project. The principal funder from June 2005 to May 2008 was the Department for International Development (DFID) from the Development Awareness Fund. The project also secured a major grant from June 2007 to June 2010 from the European Commission from the Actions to Raise Public Awareness of Development Issues in Europe fund. Unfortunately this funding has to end and 2010 will be FEI's last year. Consequently we’re passing the responsibility to carry on this work to the tutors and students that FEI has been in touch with over these 5 years.

Comment Wall:

  • jacqueline

    its a shame that your funding will soon be over..this is has been a well needed initiative and i hope new fundin can be found in time to continue
  • Gaia Neashasha Nesvacil

    Your work is greatly needed. Is there any opportunity for extended funding?
    This is an issue that I am very passionate about. Though I don't have the monetary resources to help is there any other way to lend support?

    Thank you,
    Gaia Nesvacil
  • David McGill

    Hi, I think I may be able to add an extra dimension to your work
  • Fashioning an Ethical Industry

    Please join in with our on line topcial discussions.
  • Tamsin Lejeune

    Fantastic to have you on the network. We have given you featured member status. We would welcome your contributions to the blog
  • Abbie Price

    Hi guys,
    thanks for the add. hope you're doing well.
    was wondering if you'd heard about the EFF socials....?
  • jacqueline

    welcome to the book club group!

  • Abbie Price

    Hi there, yeah it was a shame you couldn't make it to the Social. But I shall definitely let you know if and when there's another. It was such a lovely coincidence to run into Young-One. It's great she's doing an internship with you guys. Hope you're well. Abbie x
  • Dhirendra Singh

    I am designer based in India, would like to get associated or work with FEI.Please let me know the feasibility.

  • Lavanya

    Hi,I am conducting a survey for my MA project at London College of Fashion to understand the consumer behaviour towards eco-fashion clothing in the premium and luxury segment with a primary focus on eco-luxuryT-shirts. Please go to this link and fill up the survey questionnaire.

    Please forward this all your friends as well. Your opinions and viewpoints matter alot and it would be of great help to me if you couldcomplete the survey. Thank you once again.