Dhirendra Singh


New Delhi


Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Fashion Designer, Craft and Enviorment Revivalist
Company / organisation:
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Supplier, Manufacturer, Consultant
I am looking to discover or buy
1).Buyer for my product. 2)partner or funder who can fund my concept.
About me / About business or organisation:
I am a designer trying to revive old age natural and organic techniques and craft across India , as it is very sustainable and ecofriendly process and many more reason behind choosing this field.
Career history / Company history:
Graduated from NIFT ,India as Fashion Designer, Since than ...Journey started in the field of Sustainable Fashion and Craft.
I am working as designer, consultant ,marketing advisor and also for the upliftment of Traditional Indian Craft , Organic Textile and Natural Dyes in rural India.

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  • Hannah Warren

    I will definitely contact you when in Delhi. Look forward to meeting you!
  • Sheila Meyer

    Hi Dhinendra,

    I arrived yesterday and have been trying to find a phone number for you!!! Please call me immediately. My cell is 917 696-3047, a U.S. number. I am sorry if it is an international call for you, but I can't figure out a way to get your number. I will call you back immediately, my6 phone is using Airtel, so I think it is a local call for me.


  • Chandrakant Jalan

    Hello Dhirendra,

    We are mfg. and trading grey cotton fabrics.

    It would be a great pleasure for us if we can help you getting some of it.

    You can mail us anytime ckjalan@ktmindia.co.in