Shipra Kukreja


New Delhi


Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
Candy and Scotch Designs
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Supplier, Consultant, Other
I am looking to discover or buy
Collaborations and meeting like minded people/designers to promote ethical fashion and sustainability.
About me / About business or organisation:
Contemporary Womenswear designer, interested in sustainability and Ethical Fashion. Currently working on a project on up-cycling saris, creating one-off pieces for display and sale.
Career history / Company history:
Designer/Consultant, NTU Fashion post grad.

Comment Wall:

  • shailini sheth amin

    Hi Shipra, thank you for your interest and your comment. We generally work as B2B setup and work on middle or large size orders. If you can email me on, with some more info on your area of interest I will be very pleased to respond to it and give you info on our costing, our minimums etc. Regards

  • Heena Khatri

    Hi Shilpa, first of all thank u for making me your friend. I am new but interested in ethical fashion and about the invite- Yes i am interested. plz tell me more about about it.
  • Heena Khatri

    no, i wont be able to make it on Thursday but thnx for inviting me.
    Shipra as i told u before also i am new here i want to know more about ethical fashion and wat kind of work you do and wat kind of issues you take up and discuss in such meetings and plz let me also noe about volunteer activity related to ethical fashion or fashion in delhi. hope you dont mind in telling me. tc
  • Dhirendra Singh

    Hi shipra,
    Thanks for mesage!
    m in very much Delhi,it was a click by mistake...

  • Phyllida Jay

    Dear Shipra, I am sorry I wont be in Delhi for tomorrow, but will be in India from next month and hope to meet you. Would love to hear more about the social event and more about what you are doing, my email is Have a fab time tomorrow!
    Best wishes
  • Dhirendra Singh

    Hi Shipra,
    I don't think have got any post releted to the event. let me know if possible will try to make it.
    Also let me know, how do I get the info about such event of this organisation?

  • Dhirendra Singh

    Hi Shipra,
    Thanks !!!
  • Lucy Norris

    Hi Shipra, I'd love to come to a future meeting if you have one again soon, will be in Delhi from Monday to early November, researching industrial textile recycling - would love to meet the group! Have fun, Lucy

    hi shipra,nice to knw ,you r an ex NTU. i have recently joined NTU, lead by yyounne .my area of study is ethical fashion n practice in UK , particularly. Since u have already done a bit on it ,i would appreciate if u cld guide me on hw to go abt.for instance ,some places or shows dat i can visit.....or tips

    hey ..hi ,wel i think u r right in ur way...i wld really be thankful if u send me d links on my id. email id is .
  • Lucy Norris

    Dear Shipra, sorry I missed you, I was out of town at the time, and am now on my way home again. My email is if you want to keep in touch re the get togethers etc.Thanks, Lucy