Lucy Norris




Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
University College London
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
contacts working on sustainabiliity and recycling in India;
About me / About business or organisation:
I am an anthropologist researching textile recycling in India. I have carried out work on local systems of recycling Indian clothing, and looked at how second-hand saris are traded and transformed into Western fashion and home furnishings.

I am now researching the industrial recycling of imported second-hand woollens and acrylics in north India, an industry that is transforming our old jumpers and coats into colourful blankets for the local population and for aid agencies.

I am also interested in ethical issues and fair trade as they apply to small-scale businesses in India, and am completing a research project into the prospects for the textile industry in north Kerala in which the value of ethical fashion could be important for local cooperatives and businesses.
Career history / Company history:
I worked at the Horniman Museum in London for many years, before going to UCL to study postgraduate anthropology. I completed my PhD in 2003 on the recycling of clothing in India, which is about to be published by Indiana University Press. I am interested in material culture theory, issues concerning waste, recycling and sustainability, and innovative textile technologies.
I have also carried out a project in India with Tim Mitchell, a photographer, and curated an exhibition at the Horniman Museum of his images of Indian recycling systems.

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  • Naomi CR

    Dear Lucy,
    Thought you might be interested to learn about my newly launched, ethical accessories co. NV London Calcutta, recently shortlisted for the EFF's Innovation Award.
    Please visit our site to view the whole Collection & learn more about the people and processes behind the label.
    Please do let me know if you'd like any further company info, or our launch press rel etc.
    We will be showing at Pure, Stand L16 in the Gallery this August if you'd like to come along, say hello and see our bags 1st hand.
    Best wishes,
  • Shipra Kukreja

    Hi Lucy,
    Just realised I dont have your mail id. Wait for you to confirm request so I can send you a detailed msg. If you are in Delhi, it would be great to connect up and share some ideas on your project on recycling in India! Can't wait! x
  • Shipra Kukreja

    Hi Lucy! Are you in Delhi now? Would you be able to come for the next socials on the 29th Oct?
    Wait to hear,