Reply by CLOUDIA on August 2, 2009 at 6:15pm
Hi Christopher, it was facinating reading the papers you uploaded, I am writing my dissertationa t the momment and
some things were very valid. Interstingly I have been looking at statistical data, from relaible sources , I looked online at the colleges and universities in Stockholm, as Sweden seems to be the pioneers on sustainable design.Do you have any statiscs, i looked here.
Mintel (
Key Note (
Euromonitor (
Datamonitor (
Ciao Cloudia
I am writing a dissertation on Ethical Fashion, and I have been researching for relaible statistical data, that proves in is a growing concern, and not just a passing trend or fad like puff ball skirts, or Rave music.
I have tried the below sites, but not found concrete evidence, does anyone have quotes, or links to good sources. Ciao Cloudia