Here at the Ethical Fashion Forum the end of the year is bringing a few goodbyes but also some hello's to new faces. We are saying farewell to some of our interns, Poppy-who has been keeping an eye on the network and Alice (who bought in the AMAZING cake below!) and has done a wonderful job working on the SOURCE EXPO and has been paving the way for some of our future events coming up in 2011.
However we have also welcomed some lovely new faces, Chloe joined us recently as the Membership Co-Ordinator for the SOURCE, so when your applying for membership to the SOURCE it's Chloe you'll be speaking to. We would also like to welcome Ijeome who has also joined the team as the new Executive Intern who is Tamsin's right hand wo(man) and keeps the rest of us in order!

The amazing cake Alice bought in which we have completely demolished....
along with many mince pies, all in the name of the Christmas spirit! Illustration by Carol Ryder.
Keep an eye on the Network for news on all of our future events in 2011, it's going to be an exciting year!
On behalf of the Ethical Fashion Forum we'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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