Tibbe Smith Larsen
  • Female
  • Copenhagen
  • Denmark
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Profile Information

Profession / role:
Fashion Student
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Student
I am looking to discover or buy
Network with people who share my sincere interest in sustainable fashion
About me / About business or organisation:
I have a great interest in style, art and the making of fashion. Furthermore I am digging deeper into subjects like sustainability, organic fashion and the choices you can make to help change the world.

I am a fashion student, pursuing a Bachelor in Textile Handicraft and Education in Copenhagen, Denmark. An education that includes the teaching of textile printing (screen printing) with a lot of different types of colours and techniques, different technigues in embroidery, pattern and fashion design, pattern making, sewing of toiles and sewing the actual product, knowledge of materials, and communication relevant to museums, journalism, project managing sales, and education.

I have been drawing ever since I can remember and have put ideas to life with my crafty do-it-yourself approach.
Career history / Company history:
Håndarbejdets Fremme, Bachelor in Textile Handicraft and Education, pursuing graduation in December 2011.
Fashion Design Akademiet, Fashion illustration course. Fall 2008 and spring 2009, 16 hours each.
CPH West, Sewing course, basis education for becoming a tailor. January – June 2008.
Krabbesholm Højskole, graphic design, photography, drawing, product design, art. August – December 2006.

Work Experience:
Camilla Norrback, Internship as patternmaker and design assistant. August 2010 – December 2010.
Helle Mardahl, Internship; sewing quilted roses and shells for her artwork. November 2008.

Blogging about fashion on www.tibbesmith.com, mainly from October 2009 – August 2010.
Fisk Redesign Contest Fiks, a contest hosted by DanChurchAid. July – August 2009.

Fashion design
Pattern making
Sewing (toiles and finished products)
Textile print
Fashion illustration
Specs and flats (by hand and in Illustrator)
Measuring garments and doing measurement charts
Assisting during fittings
Knowledge about materials
Education and communication
Decorating shop interior
Shop assistant

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