Islay Roberts
  • Female
  • Edinburgh
  • United Kingdom
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  • Laura Cooney
  • Tamsin Davis
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Profile Information

Profession / role:
Fashion Designer
Company / organisation:
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Manufacturer
I am looking to discover or buy
Other like minded designers. A blog space where I can post a regular blog and communicate with other users on this site.
About me / About business or organisation:
I was brought up on an organic farm and believe in Organic and Fair Trade standards. I am passionate about providing the market with a sustainable alternative to the mass produced clothing on the market and believe that the fashion industry is changing and many designers are pioneering a new future for an industry. A future that ensures everyone involved in the process of making and selling fashion garments is treated fairly and that we can work with the environment to affect a change in consciousness and a sustainable future for the industry.
As for me outside my own business start up activities I work part time as a designer and manager of a business called Rene Walrus where we make custom bridal jewellery, hairpieces and fashion jewellery. I love fashion and am working on the first ready to wear collection as part of my coming new label Islay Blue.
Career history / Company history:
I spent many of my childhood and teenage years working with my mother who is a textiles artist where I learned screen printing, feltmaking and other textile manipulation techniques. Thinking I wanted to be a film director I studied Film and Media with Spanish and spent time living in Spain and Toronto working in TV where I became more interested in art direction, wardrobe, costume. I have always altered my own clothes and have since taken courses in pattern drafting, cutting and corset making and and began selling reconstructed vintage clothing on a commissions basis. I set up a small business doing the reconstructed clothing but am changing the business in 2010 to a business that sells ready to wear organic silk printed dresses by collection. The business name will change to Islay Blue so the website address above shows only early designs and since has not been updated.

Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 12:02 on September 2, 2010, Fashioning an Ethical Industry said…
Hi Islay,

We thought you might be interested in joining our new group on the Scottish Ethical Fashion Education Network!

From September 2010 Fashioning an Ethical Industry will be working with Scottish universities and colleges to establish a network interested in teaching, learning and sharing about ethics in the fashion industry. With the support from FEI the Network will host events, develop resources and share best practice related to corporate social responsibility in the fashion industry. Please do join the group to input into the development of the network and keep informed of news and events.
Click here to join!

At 6:20 on January 12, 2010, Tamsin Davis said…
Hi Islay! It's Tamsin here, Seraphina's sister - great to 'meet' you (!), she's told me lots about you. I didn't realise you studied film - me too, before deciding the industry wasn't for me and retraining!
India trip went ok, thanks, we're both a little stressed at the moment in the run-up to Pure - come visit the stand if you're free 14th-16th Feb and fancy a trek down to London! Hope all is going well with the new collection, would love to see pics when they're ready. Tamsinx

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