Looking for FAIRTRADE & ORGANIC SEWING THREAD in India - Any suggestions ?

Hi All,


I have been looking for FAIRTRADE & ORGANIC FABRIC last month, and now looking for FAIRTRADE & ORGANIC SEWING THREAD for my kidswear project ..... Any leads ??


Must be sourced in India.



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Hi i just know some suppliers from China, Sophie Gaxatte. can they help you?
Hi Sophie,

I have been sourcing organic and other wild grown fiber sustainable fabric for designers and businesses for a few years. All my fabrics are sourced from India or Nepal. I do not source from China.
I also collect small overstocks and remnants from mills etc. for a lot of my small start-up clients in the green design field who cannot meet the high minimums required by the other suppliers and also cannot afford to buy fabric in retail and still make money. Let me know if I can help you find anything in your new venture.
I did read about this somewhere... I hate when that happens as I saw it in passing when reading a magazine or doing some research on the internet and have no idea where now.

I'll see if I can find where it was mentioned for you and get back to you... might not be India though... does it defo need to be from there?



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