We need to create some leather embellishments for our tops. Does anyone know of any machinists that can help with this?

Many thanks,


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I Hayely, I realise this post was a while ago, but we might be able to help! Where abouts are you based?
Great! We're based in London.

Thank you.
Hello Hayley

I am currently on my final year of Footwear at Cordwainers and what I can recomend you is to advertise this at the University as maybe a student could help you with this or even a skilled machinist from the member of staff.
Hope this is any help.

Thanks! Is this the course at LCF?
do you mind finding a supplier in Asia. I have some friends specializing in accessaries and i get supply of handbag decorations from them, Possibly,, you can tell us your specific requirements.
Thank you for your response, but we don't work with Asia for many reasons.


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