Started Mar 3, 2010 0 Replies 0 Likes
Hi my name is Hannah Casey and I am looking to become a Visual Merchandiser in the Ethical Fashion Industry. I am currently studying for my BDS certificate in Display Design and am looking for…Continue
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We thought you might be interested in joining our new group on the Scottish Ethical Fashion Education Network!
From September 2010 Fashioning an Ethical Industry will be working with Scottish universities and colleges to establish a network interested in teaching, learning and sharing about ethics in the fashion industry. With the support from FEI the Network will host events, develop resources and share best practice related to corporate social responsibility in the fashion industry. Please do join the group to input into the development of the network and keep informed of news and events.
Click here to join!
I have been working with natural fibres in Nepal for a long time now and can supply you with fibre, yarns, textiles, as well as finished goods. Please have a look at and to get an idea of what we do. I work with hemp, nettle, cactus, banana, bamboo . I also have a small workshop where we make bags, clothing and rugs from natural fibres. Hope to hear from you and would like to be your friend. Take care,