Alice Louise Johnson
  • Female
  • Cambridge
  • United Kingdom
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Profile Information

Profession / role:
Youth Volunteer Worker
Company / organisation:
Young Lives
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
Support to make the show the best it can possibly be!
About me / About business or organisation:
I currently work with young volunteers across Cambridge and have undertaken a project to promote sustainable fashion. The project involves the local British Heart Foundation and Oxfam stores, who young designers in Cambridge have been sourcing their items from to create four collections, one for each season of the year. The project aims to show creativity, ingenuity and involve young people aged 16-25 in a range of roles, including modelling, designing, photography, and event planning. The young designers have been working with a local designer in workshops to create their pieces, and are either studying fashion at university or are planning to. The project now has over 70 volunteers involved for the show which will take place on the 7th July. It has attracted support from numerous designers across the Country that have supported us in terms of donating items to auction or raffle, offering advice or support to the young designers, and providing information about sustainable fashion for us to use on the night. What makes it special for us is that not only does it have a brilliant message, all the decisions for the project were made by young people involved, and it has been inspired by many different people's ideas.
Career history / Company history:
I have worked as a youth worker for five years, and have now moved into the role of creating opportunities and involving young people in volunteering. My aim is to show that volunteering can not only be great for practicing and enhancing skills, it can be fun and different as the project above should demonstrate.

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At 9:36 on August 19, 2009, Amisha Ghadiali said…
thank you x
At 12:50 on June 8, 2009, Mia Nisbet said…
Hi Alice, thats great thanks so much.
I would like to pay for both tickets anyway seeing as it is going to such a good cause.
If I just bring the money on the night is that ok?
At 13:06 on June 1, 2009, David McGill said…
Hi Alice, I think you must be the alice on I'll send you an e-mail from so I can add some pics.
At 12:26 on June 1, 2009, David McGill said…
Sounds great Alice. I try to work with young people whenever I can. Ironically Ive just finished a project with fashion design students at Gray's School of Art , Aberdeen called 'The Fours Seasons'. They used my designs for spring, summer, autumn and winter to create original outfits for the Japanese market. We hope to take them to Nagasaki later in the year. Please let me know if you intend doing another fashion project. I have something especially for England.

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