Ali Gane
  • Female
  • Leeds
  • United Kingdom
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  • Helen Gimber

Ali Gane's Page

Profile Information

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Buyer, Retailer
I am looking to discover or buy
Up and coming designers of upcycled and fairly traded bags who would like an on-line route to market. Businesses/Industries looking for innovative solutions to their waste issues. Universities looking to collaborate on design. production, marketing and some completely out-of-the-box thinking around environmental sustainability.
About me / About business or organisation:
Director of onfriday - an on-line ethical fashion multi-brand boutique specialising in mid to high end upcycled and fairly traded bags for both men and women. That's Step 1...

Step 2 is to act as agent for a number of the internationally-based upcycling brands I stock who have yet to establish themselves in the UK market. This is currently work-in-progress.

Step 3 will be to bring on board a number of young, up-and-coming product designers (in partnership with local universities) to work with me to design and develop an onfriday range of upcycled products/accessories using waste materials from Yorkshire businesses and industries that would otherwise be sent to landfill.

Firmly believe that great design and cutting edge production can provide highly innovative solutions to some of our most pressing environmental sustainability challenges within the UK...
Career history / Company history:
Over 20 years working within the Sports Development profession - leading the development of a range of opportunities and initiatives designed to increase and improve sport and physical activity participation and performance pathways.

However 2010 saw me take a leap of faith and make the move away from sport and into a new area which allows me to combine my passion for environmental sustainability with the opportunity to help dispel the myth that ethical can't be cutting edge and bang on-trend.

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At 12:15am on July 27, 2011, Alma Erzhanova gave Ali Gane a gift
At 0:15 on July 27, 2011, Alma Erzhanova said…


Dear Ali!

I would very much appreciate your help. I am studying for an MA in Marketing at Kingston Business School under the supervision of Professor Robert East. We are conducting research about Fairtrade goods and ethical fashion clothes, and ask you to complete the enclosed short questionnaire. 
I am also offering a £50 shopping gift voucher to the lucky prize draw winner!!!!

I really need to find  social responsible persons who buy ethical fashion clothes. Any help in distributing my link among ethically concerned people will be very valuable. 
Could you please complete this questionnaire, following the link
Thank you very much for your help.
Yours sincerely,

Alma Erzhanova


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