


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
I am looking to discover or buy
Useful information and ideas from other members, chat about recycled fashion and to promote sustainable style through second hand clothes
About me / About business or organisation:
I am DIrector at Heathcote Communications Ltd a company specialising in online fashion marketing. Our newly launched website Posh-swaps.com is a place to swap, buy and sell second hand, vintage and recycled reworked clothes for free.
Career history / Company history:
Two years ago I started writing my own fashion blog www.style-eyes-fashion-blog.com. One thing led to another and I now write for a number of commercial blogs as well as running my own fashion websites.

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  • jacqueline suzanne brill

    Fantastic idea, love your website! Jacq Brill
  • Laricea Ioana Roman

    Dear Posh,

    My name is Laricea Ioana Roman and I am a student at Kingston University, London (KU ID 0942659). I am doing a Master in Marketing, Advertising and Communications and at the moment I am writing my Dissertation. My topic is related to ethical clothing, more specifically, I am investigating how personal values influence customers' decision to buy ethical clothing. In order to come up with some answers for my topic, I need some opinions from people who actually bought ethical clothes.

    This is the reason why I am kindly asking you to help me and fill in my questionnaire. It will take you no more than 10 minutes and you can win three books and £30 vouchers!

    Thank you for your consideration,

    Laricea Ioana Roman
