jacqueline suzanne brill


Ross on Wye Herefordshire

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Designer Owner
Company / organisation:
Jacqueline Brill Jewellery
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Manufacturer
I am looking to discover or buy
sharing ideas and inspriration with like-minded people
About me / About business or organisation:
Think of myself as the 'Queen of Recycling', as from a child I have collected old buttons, beads, fabrics and lace. Since 2004 I have been designing and manufacturing jewellery made from as much recycled and vintage peices as is possible. I love to breathe new life into lost, forlorn and unloved treasures, maybe in doing so making modern day heirlooms. Recycling can be glamorous aswell as ethical. All of my materials are sourced locally and I use recycled packaging.
Career history / Company history:
Designed a range of hand-knitted jumpers, embroidered with vintage buttons & beads. 1983-1985
Moved to Perth, WA worked for Ravensbourne Interiors, designed a range of furniture using recycled oregon pine, marble and architectural features. Worked on a range of iron furniture called Ironage, inspired by Diego Giacometti. 1985-1990
1990 - current artist and jewllery maker

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  • bianca zen

    Amazing bracelet. One of a kind, truly
  • Colin Leslie Bamboo Eyewear

    HI Jacqueline

    I have around 200 reading glasses that have tortoise shell affect Plactic frames and tinted lenses. If you have the Imagination , would you be interested in buying some to make recycled Jewellery . I could send you some to see what you can do ?

    let me know

    regards Colin ..

  • Colin Leslie Bamboo Eyewear

    Hi Jacqueline,

    Sounds like everything is going excellent for you .. Good luck with your events ..
