Haley Carr




Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Between motions
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Photographer, Other
I am looking to discover or buy
True inspiration, wisdom and experience
About me / About business or organisation:
Beat the drum that says empathy.
Career history / Company history:

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  • moki aotearoa

    HI H

    Thanks for your comment about our ethical footwear brand. I suppose the only way to photograph to show the sustainability of our footwear would be to photograph the whole process.
    A photo history of the journey of the shoe - i.e. the recycled rimu clogs... photgraphing the timber being rescued from the building, coming here to us, and how we change this recycled wood into footwear by hand!
    Interesting question though. What is ethical photography?? I suppose the chemical used in developing spring immediately to mind as does where all our hardware goes when we have finished with it. Also ethical is acting in an ethical way - does this translate to different perspectives found in the world - yes probably which makes that polemic photo all the more difficult to judge if it is ethical to take it or not!
  • ravi maheshwari

    hello Haley,
    Initially to make friends and for networking i join it. Then to find buyers for my company.
    u know when i saw pic i thought nothing but when i read "between motions" then i relate with it .
  • ravi maheshwari

    relate to your profile pic dear.