Beena Sonigra



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Fashion designer
Company / organisation:
WeComeOne Fashion
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Retailer, Supplier, Manufacturer
I am looking to discover or buy
Like minded individuals sharing an enthusiasm for preserving our environment through fashion & educationg others in how this can be acheived!
About me / About business or organisation:
Im a bit of everything rolled into one......I design garments, manufacture where possible, sell to the public and wholesale. I like to attend, educate and support charities and events in eco-friendly fashion and sustainability.
Career history / Company history:
WeComeOne Fashion is an ethical fashion label which seeks to create and represent the new generation of fashionistas - saving a piece of the planet, one tee - shirt at a time!

Comment Wall:

  • mario lewis

    I would liketo carry labels of designers who's work is concentrated on ethical, ecological and sustainable fashion and business practices.
    You can contact me: and I will provide you with more information.
  • Dhirendra Singh

    Dear Beena,

    I have immense knowledge about organic fabrics and natural dye and would be able to provide the service.
    I am based in Delhi, India. please let me know what is your can see some of my work on my page, all the apparels are made of organic faqbrics. you can email me the details -

  • George
