


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Surface Print designer and visual merchandiser
Company / organisation:
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Student
I am looking to discover or buy
Net working with unique individuals and business connections, Career opportunities, Collaborations
About me / About business or organisation:
I have an interest in design, fashion and art, I enjoy visiting exhibitions and catwalk shows. I find enjoyment going to museums and traveling to get scenes of different cultures which helps me in my design ideas.
Career history / Company history:
Surface Print designer and visual merchandiser

Comment Wall:

  • jacqueline

    welcome to the site Tamie
  • Honey Wong

    Hi Tamie,

    Nice to meet you!
  • Amy Sunshine Harris

    Hi Tamie

    Thanks for your lovely comment. Your profile says your a student, what are you studying?
  • Amy Sunshine Harris

    I can't remember! Probably through the centre of sustainable fashion at LCF.

    Where did you study? You should put some images of your work up!
  • Luke McCann

    Hey Tamie, what's new with you?
  • jacqueline

    hi Tamie

    I have my comments locked until i review them...some privacy setting :)

    but glad you are pushing forward with your arts skills
    you will find that this website there are so many people involved and events happening that you can easily get involved in things.

    Check out the events pages and ask someone there....should be cool and exciting too!
    for my bridalwear check www.wix.com/latibeau/latibeau or www.latibeau.blogspot.com
    and check www.akabi-fsi.blogspot.com for my clothing label - made in africa

  • Kenny Mahr

  • Honey Wong

    (^_~) Stay in touch
  • Honey Malaolu

    Hey T thanks for the add hows it going
  • jacqueline

    hey Tamie

    I do plan to be at the social this thursday...may even have a stall if possible too!

    so see you there??
  • Honey Malaolu

    ahhh cool happy you like the garments. That's not the final garments will add some new pics of the final garments soon. It's really nice to meet you this is a good site to meet new people i love it. well the business is getting there will finish my degree in 4 days then i'm free to start with a big bang so happy can't wait.

    So what bout you what year are you in and were do you study?