David McGill



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
tartans for Africa
Website (if you have one):
www.tartansforafrica.com / www.internationaltartans.co.uk / www.sakurascotland.com
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Designer, Supplier, Manufacturer
I am looking to discover or buy
joint ventures, suppliers
About me / About business or organisation:
enthusiastic about using fashion to effect greater economic and social justice

This is the YouTube link for the Tartans for Africa fashion show. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tartans+for+africa&...
Career history / Company history:
chartered architect . Started designing textiles 10 years ago

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  • JessycaK

    Hi David - sorry for the very slow response! My other, full-time business has pulled me away from working on my bag biz. I'm all ears (or eyes, as it were) for your suggestions!
  • bART Sullivan

    Hey David - love the stuff you are making. Would love to connect and do a special series with our cowboy shirts. How would we do it?
  • bART Sullivan

    Not quite sure I understand what you mean by owning those tartans. Anyways, it would be very cool to do a series with some african tartans.

    You mean that you are interested in manufacturing them in Africa? I operate in Kenya and know the textile industry is starved for work. There is an export processing zone I am exploring...
  • karin

    Thank you for the tip David. I have a look into it.
    // Karin
  • Beatrice Mwasi

    Sounds interesting. We have both large and cottage industries weaving cotton. A collection for the event from this end is possible. I would love to be part.
  • Joey Instone

    Dear David,

    I hope you are enjoying the ethical fashion forum network, and have found it a great way to keep in contact with like-minded individuals from around the world!

    Through my work for the Ethical Fashion Forum I have created a group dedicated to ethical fashion in the US. I thought you might like to join, follow the link below to see other members, join in any discussions or leave a comment.


    Warm regards

  • Ania Szyszkiewicz

    Hi David, can you let me know more about that Polish project you mentioned? It might be interesting to do it.

    Kind regards
    Ania Szy.
  • Kahindo

    Hi David,

    I will send you an email.

  • iosonolally

    Hi David! Thanks a lot for the proposal. I'm so sorry I haven't read it before, now I'm really busy with my degree thesis..but please let me always know of your projects and I will be happy to participate if possible!
  • Lilian Arning

    There are several definitions. Why do you ask?

  • Eleanor Gardner

    I am still invlved with Dolen Cymru - Wales Lesotho Link. What are you thinking?
  • Peter BenHur Nyeko

    An East African Fashion Show definitely would be a great idea David, especially an Ethically Themed one! Also It's great what you have done with the tartans. I had quite a ball in a tartan yet traditional African shirt during a wedding weekend in Scotland earlier in the Summer!
  • Myriam Morgenstern

    Sure, David, shoot your questions and I will answer them to the best of my knowledge. Myriam
  • Lady Lux

    Hi David! What did you have in mind?

    Thanks for the response and the pictures. Would be interested to know more about what you have in mind

    Thanks David. I will do that right now
  • Rebecca Baldwin

    Hi David, sorry I took so long to reply. Yes I work in the UK

  • Andrew Campbell

    Hi David.
    Thanks for your contact. We as a dept are always open to projects and competitions and if it can be fitted into the curriculum that is great. We cannot always proceed as it depends on the timing and focus of organisations.
    Are you mainly a fabric design focused person or are you fashion. Im a print tutor but work closely with the weave tutor . What are you looking for.
    Just let you know. Im away for two weeks on Friday.

    Regards Andrew
  • Ida Horner

    Hello David, Many thanks for the phone call. I look forward to meeting you next week
  • Anne Walt

    Hi David,
    Thanks for getting in touch - I'm definitely interested in your show depending on when the show is taking place and it's format. I've moved to Cape Town from the U.K end of last year and ever since have been doing extensive research as to what the market involves and looking in to ways of possibly creating some employment in the local community again after recent job losses in the industry. I am in the beginning stages of developing a new range so don't have anything to show right now but will soon. If you could maybe forward me more information as to what you are looking for I would appreciate it - I also did have a look at your websites. Hope to hear from you soon!
  • Andrew Campbell

    Hi David thanks for the note.
    Re the St Patricks Tartan and using it in the fashion show that would be interesting.Im not in the fashion area but could talk to the fashion tutor and the embroidery tutor to see if they would be interested but some times fashion is inundated with projects. Im actually from Cornwall and here at the moment. How about also using the Cornish tartan are you familiar with that one. As a print tutor Im not sure how much help I can be.
    Please could you email me some more detailed info about the word cup fashion event and the details of the competition then I can have more info to present when I have some meetings in early Sept in Dublin.
  • Anne-Liese Prem

    Hi David, we are looking for advertisers and sponsors for the Creative Africa magazine. if you have interesting editorial content, please send it my way. anne-liese@creative-africa.org. I can send you a media kit later this week if you are interested.
  • Anne-Liese Prem

    hi david, can you send me your e-mail address please for the media kit? It is ready now.

    thank you!
  • Richard Seireeni

    Please tell me more about your American/African project.
  • Lindsey Cole

    YES David, I would definitely consider that. I would like to learn more.
  • Gwendolyn Hustvedt

    Hi David. Texas is the leading US wool producing region. This give me the chance to look at consumer interest in purchasing products made from ethically produced local wool.
  • Lindsey Cole

    David: My e-mail is DMBandME@aol.com. Looking forward to hearing more. Thanks!
  • Janine Johnston

    South Afrkican tartan... how innovative (appeals to the Johnston in me!) I', going to add youas a "friend" and hope to be kept up to date re the launch. Is the fabric organic / natural / ethically produced? Look forward to learning more... Best, Janine
  • Dr Pammi Sinha

    thankyou and yes, if you are still ok about it, then yes, that would be marvellous... thankyou! i hope you don't mind but i'm going to add you as a friend to continue this? with many thanks!
  • Andre Page

    Hi David. There are quite a huge base of manufacturers in Cape Town that I could link you up with, but this depends on the style of garments to be manufactured.
  • Jessica Burke

    thanks david your word sounds really cool...as of right now I'm not looking to start a collection but I am looking for co-op opportunities while im still in school. I want to base my co-ops around ethically friendly jobs, do you have any suggestions?
  • Charlene Okwei-Nortey

    Hi David,
    Re; small quantities- that's great! What are your minimums and what kind of things do you specialise in manufacturing in? Also, where are you based?
  • Ian Anderson

    Hi David,

    We'd certainly be interested in following up to see if Tanzanian manufacturers can supply your tartans. Initial reaction from my colleagues in Tz is that the apparel firms here in TZ are unlikely to be able to weave wools and mohair; however, they could do some of the cottons and cotton blends – the traditional tartan-style cloth that the Masai wear. And we would be excited to see whether some people there could do hand loom, bespoke designs work. A key question would obviously be what volumes are involved (units in a typical order)?

    Do you have an email address I can follow up on? Drop me a line at ian.anderson@sfct.org.uk. Thanks!
  • Alison Marshall

    I'd be interested to hear more.
  • Alison Marshall

    No, through alison@emtex.org.uk please.
  • Afro-Chique

    Hi David, Thank you for contacting me please can you email me at info@afro-chique.com with more information.
  • Tristan Gribbin

    Hmmm... I'm puzzled by your comment. My site www.getsust.com has a section called "about us" which talks about our ethos, where we source our fabric, where we manufacture, etc.
  • Fiona Nice

    Thanks for the encouragement. I'm especially pleased to hear of your work in Tanzania - I lived there for a while a few years back and fell in love with the place!
  • Sarah Mark

    Hi David,
    Nice to meet you! Would love to know your thoughts about how to help put a show together...I really am serious about this and have alot of experience putting shows together and have relations with many other artists as well. I would love to take time to put together a really quality show that could travel to many cities. Would love your thoughts as this of course would be a collaborative effort among many people passionate about the same cause. Best wishes, Sarah
  • linnemore Nefdt

    hi david,
    thanks for the invite, i can't promise anything, very busy at the moment, but i would like to know more.
  • SEE

    Hi David. There is a great deal of info here: www.SEEWhatYouAreBuyingInto.com

    We are still making changes to the website and a few other aspects of the scheme but it will (finally) be launch-ready in a few weeks from now. We are looking to launch at the end of October. We think we can get as many as 100 companies SEE listed by then.

    We have a few EFF members signed up already and would like to encourage others. If you think this might be something for www.tartansforafrica.com, let me know and I will give you a call to tell you more.

    Best, Michael
  • Mary Bee

    Hello. Yes I have designed and made a few things mostly as part of my studies for my A levels in Textiles and Art.

    The work you do looks like a really unique and interesting way of promoting ethical textiles. Good luck with everything!

    Mary-Emma :)
  • Tristan Gribbin

    The site worked for me! Odd! I'll look into it - sorry about that!! Here are a few links to find out more about us. I appreciate your interest!
    Best, Tristan


  • Monica Ama Designs

    Yhh AmA Designs , buh i need a head start :)
  • Tristan Gribbin

    Hi - you can email me at tristan@getsust.com
    I know who John Muir is.
    I look forward to hearing your ideas.
  • Ena Brown

    Well that is a really diverse combintaion of cross cultures.I am impressed.I am finding it tricky to place the ethical as I am working with co-operative of five SME's.
    IWhereas Ihave worked in India , Bnagladesh, China , Turkey and most of Europe as a design director brand manager it could be dictated , but when you are not the contractor , but part of a co-operative it is harder to manage the consistency of ethic and enviorment.Howdo you get all involved to agree the definitions of what is ethical.Big Ta Ena
    I have to say I love the sheep in your shots.
  • johanna

    Hey David,

    You left me an interesting message. How so? I am doing my Thesis in Dominican Republic trying to figure out ways that I can use Fashion to promote social responsibility. I am interested in chatting with people interested in the subject to generate ideas... let me know.


  • Ian Capewell

    Hi David

    Always very pleased to look at case studies for our site - is there a link I can look at?

  • Mary Bee

    ah cool! I'm not sure I'm the right person to talk to, I'm not really in contact with any companies or people in a position to help I dont think. Sorry!

    Mary-Emma :)

    Hello David,

    I have made some perfect contacts re linking charity / education and sponsorship and would like to tie it to my Scottish ideas - how are you ? - really enjoyed meeting but couldn't quite work out if there was a path to go down on the immediate, you never came back with any thoughts so I assume you felt the same ?