This group is open for designers, photographers, experts, traders in sustainable fashion and beauty worldwide.
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Members: 12
Latest Activity: Jul 29, 2016
Started by Sarah Richards. Last reply by Dr.Gabriella Mányi Walek Jun 19, 2013. 1 Reply 0 Likes
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Fundraising for eco designers from developing countries
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We have done! We organised the first Global Sustainable Fashion Week in Budapest between 12th-14th April 2016.
12th-14th April 2016
The Global Sustainable Fashion Week (GSFW) was held in Budapest between 12th and 14th April at the first time as a new unique event combining international conference, workshops, displays, fashion shows in the field of sustainable and ethical fashion, together with an international press conference, an outstanding professional board of organizers, prominent presenters, and special media appearance. It has been declared by one of the most well-known and eminent personalities in ethical and eco-fashion, Sass Brown herself, who is a New York-based writer, researcher, designer and university teacher, and the honorary president of GSFW, as well. The Global Sustainable Fashion Week is a sign of time, dedication and commitment that several entities have put in to present new perspectives in fashion to the world with a motto: Sustainability is the only alternative of Future.
. Apart from Hungary, there were guests from Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, India, Argentina, Brasil, and even the United Sates of America and New Zeland. This made the event truly global, and seeing the enthusiasm of the participants, the organizers wish to continue. This intention was confirmed by the ceremonial undersigning of the Sustainability Declaration of Budapest.
There was a debut of the first collective brand of „RECONs” of the National Fashion League Hungary Association with the promotion of the Re-Concept bags made by Medence Group Art.
There was a big success of World Eco Fashion Night Marathon with the fashion shows of well-known eco designers from Argentina to India thanks to the creativity and professionalism of István Hornyák. Also these shows presented some good examples of a global cooperation, like the first Eco Modest Fashion collection by the Hungarian brand Anwaryan, which was born from the inspiration of the Islamic Fashion and Design Council and from the ECO Fashion Team by the National Fashion League Hungary Association. The new Anwaryan collection was shown together with the Morning Train Guatamalan handmade textile accessories. Further example for the international collaboration was the collection of Anni Pastor, as some attractive dresses - besides the old traditional Hungarian motives and laces - were promoted by Anthyia made from the special eco-friendly ramie fabrics from China. Andreas Georg Suhr presented his peace-silk scarves’ collection with a Cross-Selection German Brands, Asmita Design from India presented her lovely collection using as core elements of eco-friendly solutions as hand-looms, vegetal dying, natural and waste fabrics. De Mil Amores Buenos Aires brought a special collection to the fashion to show, how the old traditions can keep the sustainability in luxury fashion in Argentina. Amela Radan had a fantastic fashion show with her nature inspired hand-made painted organic silk’s collections.
More information about the event at:
Please, join to our initiatives and we can fight globally for a better future fashion together! We wait for your ideas and comments.
The ECO Team of the National Fashion League Hungary integrates designers, artists and professionals working with eco friendly approach to fashion and design. Our designers focus also on the technology how the materials are prepared. Many of them work with recycled or upcycled fabrics. Our “brand”, RECONs includes REthinking and CONsciousness that assign our attitude to the community and to the environment with social and ethical aspects as well. Using natural fabrics, such as organic cotton and silk etc. is more than important for our designers. Even though not all the products are made of recycled or upcycled materials, fabrics and production of all masterpieces are chosen based on principles of environmental consciousness and sustainability. Our team shares Eco-Lifestyle, e.g. we prefer organic cosmetics. Make-up used at our fashion shows are chosen from this product line. Consumer society is not our piece of cake. We rather share the opinion of Vivienne Westwood: “Buy less. Choose well. Make it last. Quality, not quantity.” Essence of OSCE (Open Source Circular Economy) for us is that every member of the community can share his or her knowledge and experience. It is more than interesting and beneficial to pass on our techniques and try others’. Our aim is to make this information exchange more direct. For this purpose we are planning to organize workshops and other events in Hungary. Foreign and Hungarian creators are warmly welcome.
A Nemzeti Divat Liga Magyarország ECO Team-je összefogja az öko szemléletű alkotókat, designereket és szakmabelieket, akik nagy hangsúlyt fektetnek arra, milyen technológiával előállított anyagokat használnak fel, illetve sokan a tervezők közül követik a hagyományos értelemben vett újrahasznosítást, illetve a manapság egyre közismertebb értékmegőrző újrahasznosítást, mely a még használható tárgyak újragondolását jelenti. Saját „márkánk”, a RECONs (REthinking and CONsciousness) magában foglalja az újragondolást és a tudatosságot, amivel a környezethez és a közösséghez viszonyulunk, beleértve ennek szociális és etikai aspektusait. A természetes anyagok felhasználása (pld. organikus pamut, selyem) szívügye tervezőinknek. Ugyan nem minden termék készül újrahasznosított anyagból, mégis minden darab a környezettudatosság és a fenntarthatóság elveinek megfelelően készül, mind az anyagokat, mind a gyártást tekintve. Tágabb értelemben csapatunk követi az „öko életstílust”: a bio kozmetikumokat részesítjük előnyben, divatbemutatóinkon is ezeket használjuk. Nem vagyunk hívei a fogyasztói társadalomnak, inkább Vivienne Westwood elveit osztjuk, mi szerint: „Vásárolj kevesebbet. Válassz jól. Ügyelj a tartósságra. Minőséget, nem mennyiséget.” Az OSCE (Open Source Circular Economy) lényege számunkra, hogy a közösség megosztja egymással a tudását, tapasztalatait. Izgalmas továbbadni a saját technikáinkat, és másokéit kipróbálni. Hogy még közvetlenebbé tehessük ezt az információáramlást, workshopokat és egyéb eseményeket szeretnénk szervezni Magyarországon, melyre hasonló szemléletű hazai és külföldi alkotókat egyaránt szeretettel várunk.
Please, contact us/További információ:
The National Fashion League Hungary Association has created an ECO TEAM for the sustainable fashion and design. We are looking for very talented designers to cooperate with us from all over the world. These designers should follow the eco criteria in the design, production and sales of their artworks, products and they should have a proper ethical and social approach in their activity. If you would like to receive more information about the cooperation in creating a collective brand together, pls. contact me.
Kind regards, Gabriella
"Sponsor Me Awards 2014 is now open for entry. We are looking for varias designing talent-"
Pls. check my page at and me, if you are interested in the sustainable beauty and cosmetics.
After the holiday season we start to work with fresh energy, so I kindly ask you to send us your comments, ideas in the sustainable fashion and beauty issues. We would like to create a very active group from different countries, to change the views and to cooperate.
Hi Guys,
As the deadline application draws near...
There will only be one winner to take away a number of prizes on Tuesday 27th August; Have your collection showcased in a popular high street store, A bespoke fashion app designed to promote your collection, Collection showcased on a leading Eco website and much more! With an ultimate surprise prize to be announced before the show.
Please respond with all answer to questions by Deadline of 19th June.
Sponsor me Group
We would like to invite you to give us information about your programs in this issue to post your ideas, comments, how to influence the people to focus on the eco friendly solutions in the design, fashion and beauty. I do not want to separate the beauty from the fashion, I deal also with "bio beauty" and we organise trainings for professionals how to use the bio-organics materials.
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