well, let's pick a night, [preferrably after x-mas] and get some girlfriends/boyfriends together! we could even do some sort of test run before x-mas. coffee, booze, i think anything will be cool beans. but i'm thinking after x-mas mainly because myself and most of my friends work in the bar industry. so january would be supreme! we could also do a facebook page. -i know cheeseball....but it's a great tool to reach out.
your thoughts?
Montreal is closer to Seattle at least same continent; so i would like to share info.
i am hosting one in WA in early Spring as will also be about organizing to support and sustain the designers, artisans etc.as well as chit chat and coffee
I received a packet from EFF so feel all informed it is in a folder somewhere or i would gladly share. perhaps its been updated so might as well check that out.
good luck,
In just replying to Rachel Walters' post regarding forming a group in Montreal, I saw also that you'd replied and are in Seattle. I am a native Montrealer, but lived in the Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle in the early to mid-nineties, working mostly at KCTS/9 TV down the hill.
I would be really interested to know what you are doing vis a vis ethical fashion in Seattle. I teach fashion history here and work on contract doing other things, and am also very interested to learn more and then teach, about ethical fashion and textiles. Kind of spread the word about how wasteful and damaging the clothing industry can be on all levels (though truthfully I am still informing myself about all of this through reading).
Hi Kelsey & Deborah!
Thanks for the replies. I actually know a couple of the EFF ladies as I worked in London and worked closely with them on a couple projects so will try to sort something out.
Let's definitely aim for after new years and i would love to grab a coffee and we can pick each others brains, pass info and perhaps try and build some sort of group here. I can fill you in on all the details!
Anyways, have a fab holls and lets chat in the new year!
I am in Montreal (St. Lambert) myself, and am interested in knowing who else out there is interested in ethical fashion. I am in touch with a wonderful organization/boutique on St. Hubert street caleld ModeEthik, and know there are a few designers and shops based in Mtl who lean in this direction. I teach fashion history; part-time at LaSalle College and every second year at Concordia University and would love to create some time of course in ethical fashion and textiles, but so far have not found a school willing to take it on.
In any case, this was supposed to be a brief introduction - just wanted to touch base!