is a new independent non-profit wiki platform with the vision to incentivise corporate sustainability through transparency, based on collective data processing.
More specifically, Wikirate encourages people to share (news) content regarding companies’ sustainability records in the form of tweet-like statements, which are called “claims". These claims then become building blocks for various crowd-edited company evaluation “tools”, such as Wikipedia-style entries on companies’ behaviour, ratings, or maps.
Wikirate's mission is to inform and engage people in such topics, enabling them to make life and work decision based on their own values. If individuals start making more ethical (shopping or job) decisions, corporations will be incentivised to act more sustainably.
To remember the tragic Rana Plaza factory collapse 1 year ago, this month's featured content focuses on the fashion industry. So whenever you come across any interesting articles regarding how textile companies deal with ethical issues, please share it on to inform the crowd.
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