Hi all
I am undertaking a project entitled
Shed Me Clothes, which is based on biomimetics (using nature for inspiration for design problems). I am in the process of developed a textile that can shed like a snake to eliminate the need to launder garments. The use phase of a garment is the most energy intensive, therefore eliminating the laundering phase energy will be saved. (Please see
www.shedmeclothes.comI am in the process of exploring what features determin how frequently a garment is laundered and what features ensure garments are never laundered. Please fill in my survey to help me find out:
http://freeonlinesurveys.com/rendersurvey.asp?sid=runyzjl5h3z100y78...From this research I hope to design a series of garments that are designed not to be laundered and to be made in the
Shed Me Clothes textile.
Thanking you,
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