Looking for SPEAKERS!!! University of Warwick Aesthet(h)ics Society: Pushing Fashion Fwd

I am writing on behalf of the Warwick Aesthet(h)ics Society at the University of Warwick, UK. We hold workshops and encourage our members to make their own decisions about what they consume by becoming a part of the creative process of producing clothing and accessories.
We are CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR POSSIBLE SPEAKERS from within the industry to come to the University to give a TALK or maybe even hold a WORKSHOP about a topic related to fashion, with an ethical or sustainable consumerism spin to it, though we appreciate any other suggestions. This might be rather short notice but we are hoping to have this SOMETIME BETWEEN the DATES OF 30th NOVEMBER TO 5th DECEMBER. If these dates are not possible we will be looking to have another event sometime next term between Mid- January and May so if anyone would at all be interested or have any other suggestions please do get in touch!

Thanks so much! :)

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Comment by Satish Chukkapalli on November 14, 2009 at 4:32
Hi ,
I am Satish Chukkapalli ,Founder Director of Zameen Organic Pvt Ltd. Zameen is a Fairtrade & Organic certified farmers owned cotton project which is an integrated Fairtrade & Organic certified textile supply chain. Zameen catters to a wide range of ethical and socialy responsible Brands all over Europe . Please visit our website for further information on Zameen www.zameen.org , I can talk and have a work shop in mid jan or May 2010. It will great pleasure to share my experence and expertise with your students and present Zameen sucess story and give them the insight of the potential of the ethical & envernomentaly friendely fashion textile segment which is growing and been accepted as the sustainable textile modle for the futhure....
Comment by Veganline.com on November 13, 2009 at 19:48
I'm probably too far away, here in London, but if you can get a subsidy for petrol I might come and talk. Cheaper: read this
http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/innovation_2009_2010_fashion_com is one of a series of questions to the powers that be about whether the buzzwords of those who import chinese goods should be the same as the buzzwords of those running a regional development agency. Why not ask similar questions of your own regional development agency?

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