The environmental nonprofit organisation Greenpeace is suspending sales of all textile products until brands and suppliers are able to provide them with transparent information proving that they are able to produce clothing using zero hazardous chemicals throughout their supply chains.
They are demanding fashion brands to eliminate the use and release of hazardous chemicals from their entire supply chain and products, as these chemicals possess hazardous properties; they can be persistent, bio-accumulative, toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic or hormone disruptors, and pose risks for the environment and human health.
Greenpeace will now procure textiles that have minimal environmental impact and are in line with the organisation’s core values. All textiles purchased under the new global policy must be 100 percent organic, from fair-trade raw materials, and have Global Organic Textile Standard certification or its equivalent.
For more information, and to join and sign the manifesto for toxic free fashion visit Green Peace's website
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