First idea for our graduate fashion week display

I have been researching and gathering ideas for our graduate fashion week display. One popular idea proposed was an old textile factory, which seems quite fitting. Some issues we face are is the space going to be confined or open, how do we hang our garments and what about the floor and theme. I thought I would try and develop the factory one more. Instead of hanging our garments we could have them in draws in cabinets and in baskets. We could get any cabinet no matter the state it is in and stick fashion patterns, or old newspapers with fashion articles onto the cabinets to decorate them. Because, lets face it, we won’t be able to afford new ones and this is an old factory setting so there is no such thing as new, apart from the clothes.  We could get some old sewing machines or parts from Vanners (stuff that is for the bin from their machinery) and put them on the cabinets. Because some of the clothes would be in draw and the other on mannequins (clothes would be rotated to keep things fair) there would be no need for scaffolding.  Other bits and pieces would be used to make the set look more interesting


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