connecting with people and spreading the word of friendly fashion!
About me / About business or organisation:
I am a self confessed vintageaholic, fashionaholic, photographyaholic, beautyaholic....i could go on and on about the amount of things I am addicted to, so to help feed my need for all things fashion and beauty (particularly when it comes to vintage) I make and design bags and purses mainly, made from ethicly sourced fabrics and alter second hand or vintage clothing...and sell through my little online shop as well as selling through small boutiques and doing markets, fairs and festivals.
I also do photography but my photography isn't really related to my need for fashion. I am greatly into helping save the environment in whatever small ways I can...I was raised to be aware of the world around me and love all things natural! I quit school at a young age when I felt I was learning nothing of what really matters in the world , infact I was only having awfull I took that rather great risk and stepped out into the world uneducated....and learned a more important lesson in my life...the way of the world and the things that really matter, this has driven me to do what I do now!...
Career history / Company history:
I opened my little shop online in the spring of 2009...a rather lovely time of year to do so, when new life blossoms!
I have always made clothing and bags and have always had a great interest in vintage and ethically sourced materials in more ways than just fabrics! I found myself being piled under all my creations so decided to make a little outlet for them
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