Rosanne Trottier
  • Female
  • Bangkok
  • Thailand
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Rosanne Trottier's Friends

  • Rebecca
  • Ethical Fashion Source Expo
  • L
  • Pamela Ravasio
  • Mai Trebuil
  • Sharnita Nandwana
  • Lizbeth 	Roberts
  • Jenara Nerenberg
  • Ellen Agger
  • Kelli
  • Lucy Osborne
  • Maiya
  • Amisha Ghadiali

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Profile Information

Profession / role:
Company / organisation:
sawang boran
Website (if you have one):
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Buyer, Retailer, Manufacturer, Photographer, Consultant
I am looking to discover or buy
networking, ideas, markets, synergies...
About me / About business or organisation:
Traditional knowledge anthropologist, helping to revitalise silk-weaving in northeast Thailand through fair trade, natural dyes and local ownership of culture and creativity
Career history / Company history:
projects in South Asia, now in Thailand.

Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 7:31 on June 28, 2010, Mai Trebuil said…
Sawadee ka khun Rosanne!
Contente que vous m'aillez trouve sur ce site. Avez-vous rejoint le groupe "Thailande"?
J'espere que les choses vont bon train a Sawang Boran. Je serai a Londres au moins jusqu'en septembre, ensuite je vous tiendrai au courant!
A bientot!

At 9:17 on May 19, 2010, Pamela Ravasio said…
Hi Rosanne,

first of all apologies for my silence - I could give a number of excuses, but I won't. So, please just accept my apologies, and the promise that I will try and be more responsive in the future..
I'm still be in London until end of the month, but will then go back to Japan for 2 weeks (lived there until mid last year) for private purposes. I'm back in London from June16th onwards.
This said -
I'll start to write a profile article on you and the project.
I guess as I go on, I'll post questions to you, in a virtual interview style. Alternatively, if you have an e-mail address ... mine is pamela dot ravasio at gmail dot com.
Again - apologies for not coming back to you any earlier ~
At 8:36 on April 3, 2010, Pamela Ravasio said…
Hi Rosanne,

thanks for the link to your company.
I'm only a novice weaver, but I'm really sold on it...

I'm curious to know more about the whole setting of your company. I guess, in the UK your company would be considered a "social business", meaning, that it serves more than just the goal of generating profit.
I guess you're quite busy, but I'd be really keen to learn more about it all.
In return, I could write up what I learn in a 1-page article for the 21st Century Blog as a portrait of you as a social entrepreneur and your aims with your company, if that would be of interest for you.
Here a link that explains what the 21st Century Network is:

I manage the above mentioned blog for them as a volunteer managing editor.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you - keep the good things going!

Kind regards,

Kind regards,
At 1:44 on April 2, 2010, George said…
At 14:22 on March 29, 2010, Anupa Horvil said…
hi there just in france right now will not be back until end of april and i am based in the south in hcmc. Keep me posted and if we can meet it would be great.
At 16:04 on March 26, 2010, Anupa Horvil said…
Hello i am based in saigon, vietnam. Would like to touchbase.

At 18:49 on March 24, 2010, Colin Leslie Bamboo Eyewear said…
hi rosanne ,
glad to see things are working well in thailand with you

At 11:33 on January 20, 2010, LittlePurpleDot EthicalDirectory said…
Hi Rosanne
Thanks for getting in touch. Glad you like the project. If you are selling to the UK market then I think that would be fine re getting added to the directory.
Kind regards
At 14:28 on September 9, 2009, Lucy Osborne said…
Hi Rosanne

Many thanks indeed for your message and apologies for not being able to respond any sooner.

I am fascinated by what Sawang Boran are doing, working to improve the lives and conditions of people in the village, at the same time as fostering local skills and traditions.I would really value the opportunity to meet you and learn more about the project.

I'm not sure yet of my exact dates, but will be able to let you know closer to the time. I intend to be in Thailand in November. Will you be there then?

Many thanks again, I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,


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