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N.J.Bond's Friends

  • George
  • Inken Kunert
  • Miss Charlie Lamb
  • Jeyanthi Kalairajah
  • coudert thierry
  • Anupa Horvil
  • Nicola Thornley
  • emma mcginn

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My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Retailer, Supplier, Manufacturer
I am looking to discover or buy
Green product marketting company /enterprenur in western countries .They have to fight the overratinalsied science minds. Truth is always hidden in dark .
About me / About business or organisation:
We are from a small rural village in South India a group , we were traditionally Farmers and Artisans by family , in the group I got post-graduation in 1972 in Geoogy. Studied Art and Astrology , when out on living organic way of life and self realised , became highly Eco conciouse.

I set up a Hand knotted wool pile carpets manufacturing unit and dyed all wool in natural herbal and vegitable dyes and got in 1984 Gold medal for volume production at commercial level on natural dyes. They were exported to O.C.M.London, R.H.Macy's U.S.A. and many other Global giants in Europe
Traditinally the Natural Dying and herbal dyes Extraction was our family business and we lived in a place , once it was very wealthy by inherited knowledge of art of Indigo dying . I decided to try on dying of Cotton on natural dyes.

I understood after very many years that any fool can dye wool on Natural dyes and it takes a man to dye cotton .and it takes a scientist to dye chemical free. Latter I found out that one must know balancing act s at spiritual and science level . Science and Spiritual blending is needed. In preparing the man I took years to self realise and started travelling round globe what others are doing .

AT that time and till day there are no company doing it beyond 3/4 basic colours .We needed a bio factory and a whole system working with people who are living organic way of life to do it right . There were many experts in this line are living in our place . Many of my relatives are working in design and other tailoring units of Denim jeans in and around my place.

After selecting required Herb sources and process and methods of 100% .LCM free ( injurous metalic chemical free) some 100 number of Hues were obtained direct from each plant or items of material.

It has taken almost 25 years of our producivity time and efforts to achieve this. Encourgaged by this recognition to , located in the Bio Valley that was once famous for cultivation and extraction of Indigo dyes I continued my efforts .Our place was village was rich and wealthy when it started supply of Indigo dyes to British Raj Traders , and started making Dying of Muslin cotton . This wealth in flow to our place was cut abrupt when the British left Inida as well the Man -Made Synthetic Dyes arrived at the market sharply in 1940s onwards.When our old family busniness contact from Italy got in touch with us it was already 25 years business was stopped. How ever we took this challenge of making Indigo Dying on natural fibres and started exporting . Since rural cost effective medicine textile was already under production in our company making Denim Indigo Jeans was not difficult . To apply it creatively to fashion garments was our inherited welath of knowledge as many of our relatives are speicalist in it were living in our place. it was easy for me form a bio science group of others from our area and a company was formed in 1976. Denim Jeans of 1890 models .It is a great success as the cost of making was rurally possible in indigeneous technology . Since last 10 years we are making an selling them locally . Now , after long years of trial and process exprimentation we arrived in the industry of Denim Jeans making a great poition quality and price controll wise. Our Business head stays close with jungle people, who are important to contribute to world class quality.
Now our product is selling in eBay and we need to enter in to online marketting . We look for conciouse and responsible marketting company on joint venture . Those who want to become rich slowly only wanted. The individual need to invest a little or nothing much . Conciouse CREATIVE energistic soul is important. We are fed up all sorts of half baked scientific minded ones ,biggoticl and dogmatic academic people . Neither we want religious guys . We want conciouse creative suspecion free intutive soul to sell Bio Sheath .
Career history / Company history:
We started dying on vegitable dyes wool and pile carpets and exported to R.H. Macy's U.S.A.between 1976 TO' 84.
In 1985 we set up a bio -factory in my own rural village and till now producing the world best jeans and selling . Ebay sale is adequote , but volume can be worked out on B2B Portels .

This product is 100 years lasting one. This can help body cure many diseases on long use , it has 1000 natural chimical to do it. . There are sound historical evidences on the power of Spirit of Indigo and now it is nanao science study confirmed .

It is an ART OF ECSTASY of great mystique value for self ealising area for one.. IT commonds very good RE SALE Value in antique market . It comes at the dirt cheap priced as it is rurally costing Organic Cotton Natural Indigo hand dyed and ethnic and ethical made Jeans to the global market standard .It is introvertive and reflective and transformative .This is the commodity every one in this planet wish to buy . We can offer it in a silver-plate.

It is using entire technology indigeneaous one. Sourcs of material is resourceble and 95% taken from internal sources like people talents and creative use of people ,places power and perception along old world traditional wisdom,a business model sustainable to generations by usual. Lowest corbon costs .Uses no electicity.Zero is the waste. Takes only 500 litters of water to a-z process finish in a Denim Jeans . Large portion of this water being herbal nutrition filled, re-used in our agro field for herbal cultivation . I t is a model of sustainable business role model not only for poor rural villagers in India , and slo to entire third world masses by usual .

We are creative by innate , by tradition and delibrate- training in all relevent area to this product . We may not be perfect in all these but pioneer once anow masters in perfecting any if need be to make it fruitful . on relevent area we are .

In the last 150 years of Industrial development we have spent solid 40 years in exprimenting shows that green products are not easy , shows that we have the vision that this 3 rd millanium global problems needs to get solve .Solution is not one of simplified kind for complex life issues, and quick shot ones as 96% ot the modern days companies in the globe is trying. It is very complex made and comes to simple format for application.

3rd millanium is fresh millanium as we are concerned. It is new millanium
for those old comapnies . This is Organic Era ,Frugal living is must as the globe is likely to pass on restricted growth for few decades.

Many conciouse souls are already born and many more are going to be born soon to make this planet a green ,natural ,Organic one.

We have released a 6 piece set of Organic Natural dyed Baby- Wears.
Pathogenes from hospitals need be protected attacking baby brains.An aesthesia born babies are getting reduced in this millanium. Theyare all new worked to link with our day work wear when they go to work . They will sit in the seat of power every where soon to make this planet fresh one daily.

Our Denim Jeans will be fresh from day one it comes out , as it is 4 colours in one IndIgo, till it is antique sold/preserved . They are a symbol of mother Earth legacy ,a divine gift to pass on to his future generations .
It will be the symbol of well lived and healthy lived life Oraganic and Natural . seek good designer to construct the cut and trend of fabric in style .Hence we seek marketter who is conciouse soul.

Can a cottage made Green goods can become future model for green goods.

Yes .

It must in the conciouse world of 3/4% true , but certainly not in the 96/97% of unconciouse world.

Assuming EFF is one I am presenting this facts .

A 17 th century model of Denim Indigo Jeans was re-creted by usual people who actually tracebly hleped one in 17 th century Europe get invented . It is re- produced in that old world Bio-Vallley. It is revived by a well preserved rural agro tribal community members . A Bio -Factory was built for this purpose of expriments and researches is carried on for 15 years to start it . Now the people were to be imported from heaven who are mystiques to re develop the Art of Ecstasy. The group learned the balancing act of Scienc principles to values of Spirit it is at that perfect equalibrium of the opposing forces the highly powerful Bio-Sheath takes avetar.

In a decades ful of use wear and tear it has became faimliar for the following attributes as beneifits to individual users and values to society . Conciouse customers who are creative in using it find values that has not existed erlier . It is Fresh ness in Organic and Natural Indigo Ethnic made and is live porcessed to bring it out . It is 4 COLOURS IN ONE. It is 1000 Natural Chemicals in side one herb-Dye.
At every organic soap wash it comes alive charged with more spirit to blend with Parana and Aura . it scavenges them and circlulates in energy level up to 23,OOO times pumping natural chemical to each organs as its shape takes and cleaned -oxyzen to cells and tissues.

This is the mechanism that body needs to fight Illusion ,that accomodates lazy cells and latter that cells turn to host diseases. Modern science has taken 200 years to find the reason for fermentation curd use and identify that body is not vessel to fill with pills , it is a Source to cure diseases itself. 1000 years history and Dynasties one after another did not capture the spirit of Indigo in India or the reson for curd ,and know not how to produce. 100s of body nurons know 1000of years only to carry on chemical signals to barin. This was blocked when Synthitics and re generated was used in food and cloths and others.

The result 96% of Industires in the last 150 years failed to supply meaning ful goods to people use. They have thier own culture to cut the produts life cycle to 3/4 years from 100 years lasting consumer durables like Denim Jeans. The blockage of supply of nuron friendly chemical is is another one. In crease of 39 mental disorders ( nuro psychi disorders) in the record is owing to this.

When Siver and Gold turn ridoactive in nano- paticuled level why not the syntheitc dyes and its cultural derivatives Eco friendly and Low Impact cause the radio active to body. Have we checked .

No facilities avaialble . Then why not hesitate using Eco and Low ones. Why not institutes like LCF
intervene .When our ancestors in past proved with example what cannot be proved by science as substitues why not we follow.Why young women designers stop men befool women anymore with chemical, embedded regenerates with nano paticuleds .Now U turn goes into circle. What is creativity means. While desinging creative dress is like captain of the ship like control you are also the water for navigation.

Hence great designers like Miss Charlie Lamb, must protest LCF for use of nano particuled dyes and chemicals. It is green wshings , hollow efforts to environmental cause. If you belong to the 3 /4 % catagory of souls conciouse and creative innate or delibrately learned one , you should join my group and take and use the oppturnity .You can trade in 1000 s, your godown will be immediately full of Indigo spirit .Logiclly it is Laxmi prosperity goddess. She is Vydia- art , She is all round devil destryer.It wll make you queen of U.K. Over night .

So , protest on eco and low dyes. My product is the model for future . Not Ford company for cars production . It may beChina ,Africa or Indiia , a 10 women unit in a cottoage can give 1000 Jeans per day and this will create 1000 family heir loom that U.K. can leave it as legacy to it is generations in future.It can help 1000 Britishers die disease free while he dead. It can a 1000 gold pots. Genuine Indigo air will float in London streets good for all .

Miss Charlie , correct my flow and style on this artical ,whenever you find time.I will be great ful fot it. Have you thought of any business with my products if so give me clue.

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At 19:21 on April 10, 2010, Miss Charlie Lamb said…
Hi NJ, please forgive me, I really didn't mean my message in a harmful way, I didn't want to upset you about your spelling. I am sorry english is not your first language and that I didn't pick up on that first time. As english is natural to me, then I read a lot and just notice when words are spelt differently and I just though you may want to know. If I had spelt something wrong and not realised I would be happy for someone to tell me - this is all what I was thinking - really not to offend you. Please accept my deepest apologies.
Thank-you for the update on your company and all your efforts to make your business work. I am happy we have had this conversation and it has been so in-depth. This is how I can learn about how people live in other parts of the world. When its out of the heart, this is where the connection between people grow and flourish, through compassion and prospering. I really hope your company prospers.
I too find it hard as I make everything myself - quite an ideas person, but trying to sell it or get it onto the market does not come easy to me which is why I am not quite where I want to be in life but one day I hope it manifests into something good.
Best Wishes.
At 22:35 on April 6, 2010, Nicola Thornley said…
Wow - I just read your profile - what an amazing journey! I love the sound of what you are doing - I have worked with many denim suppliers and there are so few that work with organic cotton and natural dyes, let alone using such rooted experience and natural processes. Keep up the inspiring work!
At 21:47 on March 30, 2010, George said…
At 17:36 on March 30, 2010, Miss Charlie Lamb said…
Hi there N.J.
Many thanks for adding me.
Ps some of your wording doesn't flow well, you may need to check some of the spelling too ... sorry - just some mini piece of advice from me.
Wow - congratulations for staying true to your word in regards to creating and manufacturing ethically sourced and produced jeans and well done for winning your award!
I like your styles, they look quite 70's with the design motifs on the back.
I am always interested in finding out about colour and natural dyes. I read an amazing book whilst at college, as part of my thesis, written about victoria finlay and her findings about colour natural dyes and pigments - quite an amazing read!
Lets stay in touch.
God Bless.

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