Hannah Warren
  • Female
  • Chicago, IL
  • United States
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  • Nara Namshir
  • N.J.Bond
  • Ivan Dauriz
  • Lizbeth 	Roberts
  • James McAloon

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Profile Information

Profession / role:
Photographer/ NGO Vice President
Company / organisation:
Jhoole, Chetanya Sewa
Website (if you have one):
www.jhoole.org/ Currently under construction
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Manufacturer, Photographer
I am looking to discover or buy
About me / About business or organisation:
Jhoole’s fair trade garments are produced by female weavers and seamstresses in the west Nimar region of Madhya Pradesh, India. Our name, Jhoole, is inspired by the monsoon season. The village population, almost entirely dependent on farming, rejoices with the arrival of the monsoons: the searing, unbearable heat of the summer is cooled by thick layers of clouds and the barren, desolate landscape is quickly transformed into a fecund river valley. During this time, swings are tied onto massive trees through out the area. People of all ages enjoy swinging in the newly rejuvenated air. Swinging is a way of celebrating the transformation in the atmosphere; it is a tradition that typifies the spirit of this rural area. We choose Jhoole, which means “swings” in Hindi, as our name because our textiles, inspired by the beauty of Nimari craftsmanship and culture, give reason to celebrate: like the monsoons, they provide a means of relief for those in need. Our profits not only benefit artisans, but also fund projects that serve the most marginalized members of society.

We work in a partnership with a grass-roots NGO, Chetanya Sewa. Chetanya Sewa works with elderly women who have been abandoned by their families, or have otherwise become isolated from the community. These women are extremely vulnerable: they often suffer health issues, usually have no source of income and are almost always homeless or live in substandard, makeshift housing. At the moment we are able to provide food and clothing, but we envision one day building a home for these women on the edge of the Narmada River. Profits from Jhoole are helping to fund Chetanya Sewa's projects.
Career history / Company history:
I have experience as a Photographer and translator (Hindi to English). My current work is for Chetanya Sewa.

Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 16:26 on August 14, 2010, Dhirendra Singh said…
Hi Hannah,
how's life where are you these days? please email ur no. iw ould like to talk to you, or let me know your plans , we will meet.-


At 22:17 on June 12, 2010, Jess Dunning said…
Hi Hannah,

Thank you for your post. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply - I was in the midst of exams at the time and I do tend to get rather absorbed in them! As to what I am interested in, it will probably depend on my experience - as I have studied Anthropology at university and not design, my skills in this area are rather lacking, however, I did do an art foundation course and have been involved in creative activities throughout uni, so ideally I would like to gain experience in a role where some creativity is possible. I love designing patterns and illustrations, working with texture, and photography. I chose anthropology as a degree because I love travelling, and would like a career where I can help others less fortunate than myself. This area I think combines both of these passions! Hopefully this will have given you some kind of insight.

At 21:24 on May 28, 2010, Mary Bee said…
Thank you for the email address, I will get the sketches to you as soon as! I really do like having a concept or idea behind what I design, so I really enjoy the research part of things as well as the designing. I think I am a very visual person... which is never surprising with creative people really! But this means I often feel better with visual inspiration beside me; I love making mood boards and putting pictures together, drawing patterns based on research, sketch books etc. Through my studies I've always had to research what I design and make.. so I'm really quite comfortable with the process of it!
At 15:38 on May 26, 2010, Mary Bee said…
I do normally do some sketches first, and then I'd usually work with fabrics after I have an idea in my head and I'd make a prototype. I could get some sketched jacket ideas to you by email by the end of the week? And then you could see what you thought of them. If that was okay would you have an email account outside of EFF that you could send me the address for in a message? As I don't think I'd be able to send images to you via the EFF messages. I look forward to helping you!

Best Wishes Mary Bee
At 22:19 on May 24, 2010, Mary Bee said…
Hello Hannah, thank you for your reply... what a coincidence with the recycled denim! I am still very much interested in working with you, I do a bit of voluntary work with the charity Oxfam already, which I fit around my studying. I would be interested if you could give me some more information as to how I could help you with your work?

Best Wishes, Mary Bee
At 8:05 on May 22, 2010, Dhirendra Singh said…
Hi Hannah,
do let me know, when you in delhi. I Reatail through different exhibitions in Delhi and I have some few clients who buys directly from workshop. struggling to find internatinal buyer , i source my materials from differen weaving clusters in india.

At 5:23 on May 21, 2010, Dhirendra Singh said…
Hi Hannah,
Thanks for the message, I am based in Delhi/Noida.
I would also like to exchange ideas with you. I am planning my trip to Chanderi some time soon, i can also meet you there in Maheswar, also if you coming to delhi you can meet us.

At 21:28 on May 20, 2010, Mary Bee said…
Hello Hannah, I saw your comment on the Centre for Sustainable Fashion group page about looking for students interested in designing for Jhoole. I have taken a look at your website and I love what you are doing, I would be very interested in working with you if you are interested. Please take a look at the pictures on my profile and I can also send you a portfolio of further work via email.

Look forward to hearing from you, keep up the good work! Best Wishes, Mary Bee
At 4:01 on April 26, 2010, N.J.Bond said…
HI Hanna Warren,

Your photography has captured true rural pictures in India, and rural spirit as it is for millaniums . Material poverty is nothing when compared to emotional enriched culture they possess and keep going on. They have dignified and respectable life .That is the sustainable wealth .Lack of material wealth in rural India is not sinful . The sin starts when they start aping the west ,many urban women are thrown on the face this filth. By aping the west whole humanity suffers and its side effects are nothing but junk economy and un sustainable life style . Many urban middle calss women suffer now and want to return to that good old life of ease and values very sound in thier life once before came to live in city. Your hleping them find economical oppturnity is right one .

I was born on one such tribal community and after design and art study set up Denim jeans making and and is 30 years reserching ways to find true sustainable oppturnity for rural riches.This has made me process and produce genuine and original , the best in the world. I am sound rooted in my own source and take up any project as get it all cheived with in 500 kms radius of carbon foot costs o my products . To make the world best Denim I need not go to Africa for organic cotton, Italy for tailoring it , Synthetic chemicals-Indigo to bring unwanted shimmer streatch ,water resistant wrinkle free UV protection aby adding particuled chemicals on the jeans .

Visit mysite www.transindiaexports.net . Advice me how to improve photographs to killer kind, correct english and and join the elite group. When offer my price 50$ the 17 th century reproduction ,it is truth and real in colour and fibre . But since in the last 60 years people are made to perceive colours wrong they cannot apprecitae the mundane dull and subdued effect of real nature .Their eyes are nicotined hence to sell goods I need to mkae it killer kind . Give your comments .

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