Gina Nelson
  • Female
  • Kalispell, MT
  • United States
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Profile Information

Profession / role:
Obstetrician/Gynecologist, seamstress and nascent designer, local green activist, organic farmer
Company / organisation:
Gina Nelson, M.D., P.C. & Braidwater Properties, LLP
My primary role in relation to fashion is:
Consumer, Designer
I am looking to discover or buy
inspiration, resources, networking
About me / About business or organisation:
I was raised in California, married in 1983, and now live in Montana. I have three children ages 25, 19 and 15. I am a married Jewish ob/gyn with rental properties, and a farm. I, like everyone in my family, likes to make things. My main craft is sewing. I have two major additional aspirations at this time: to build make a green low income rental, and to develop an inspiring collection of clothes.
Career history / Company history:
I am Stanford educated in Science technology and Society, a multidisciplinary major with a concentration in Women and Technology. I am also a practicing ob/gyn. I have studied and worked in the area of diffusion of innovations and behavior change. I am interested in enacting the already well defined principles of the green movement, and in getting others to do the same. I serve on the Environmental Stewardship committee of the Kalispell Regional MEdical Center, and on the Green Schools chapter of the Montana US green building council.
The green movement and the personal health movement are interests of mine and they dovetail nicely. At my medical practice I integrate teaching about health and green lifestyle, encouraging green eating, exercise, and purposeful time in the outdoors,. I have encouraged my all women clientele to educate and inspire themselves as a part of their health. I have encouraged them to learn many DIY techniques, which even without money can give them creative outlets, empowerment, and a better life. I myself practice several textile arts, of which sewing is principal. I have created roughly 40 full Renaissance and fantasy garments. I am now more interested in creating inspired " real life " clothing and would like to make it green. That is why I am joining the ethical fashion forum.

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At 3:06 on April 1, 2010, George said…

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