Augustus Vranken
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  • N.J.Bond

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Gus Mag EU FA Style
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New Fahion and art styles and stylist withi in the Ethnic community.
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At 15:26 on November 10, 2012, N.J.Bond said…

Dear friend , Fake in denim jeans is fading now fast on chemical dyed items . Natural dyed on organic cotton is now trend after 13 years for sure . Please read this ; Big -Corporates in textiles had the strategy built on make believe world the 'old-worn-out-look' in jeans . They tagged it Indigo dyed . Everybody knows that a gimmick is made on new jeans to give that antique look . Since they were sugar babies of anaesthesia born to knife and drugging it was easy to see it more real than real and shape for their wishes manufactured only in Malls. In a make believe world , misnomer Indigo 'old color of cult magic ' was given to synthetic Indigo , a false status . Thus material is false , finish on the surface is by sand blasting that kills the synthetic fiber to create the gimmick .100 years passed . Now it is 21 st century, investors are hesitating , designers are bankrupt , consumers are becoming aware only at small section of conscious world . No one likes the designed in SML any body same S any shape same M . They want their fit and their body shape and comfort style . They can get this only when the fiber if real , color is true and custom made with exclusivity in built . It is possible in Natural dyed on Organic cotton that forms and colors blend some thing similar in proportion we find in nature objects . Eco conscious buyers are no more interested in gimmick brands , when substitutes is available on line custom made . Strange to the big companies propaganda once now truth is opening one to one jeans can be made on natural dyed . Visit us in face book for designers own brand made online . Young designers can not wear the gimmicks that worked in 2nd millennium .Now wear custom made your own label to first with us . Discuss , decide and design and get it delivered in days at cost 10 folds lesser than its equivalent in popular chemical brands . Since our products are made as per old world method we are almost back to 100 years . If no patient , no work will get done in 100 old years . This Jeans can last your life time as day work wear .This will spiritualize you and your inferior body , mind , emotion , intellect and spirit by uplifting holistic healing way . If you worry about deep blue fades it will become fresh after every organic soap wash , and will collect back the blue from atmospheric heat and light .We use organic and preorganic Muslin and BAMBOX tree silky cotton that comes from sky and dyed with sacred natural Indigo at atmosphere dip and dye method in ethnic process in Heritage setting of 100 years old structures and equipments. We may not be great brand or great corporate for you to believe us . We are doing small things in great ways that you cannot find substitutes in the market . Big corporates failed to do it since last 13 years . They have structural issue and fault in method . More and more they can mass produce and compete, strategical plan on make believe world . This comes unbranded un advertised . Because it happens as product in ethnic hands of Heritage setting on methods of old world .It is made to world class jeans other wise . Nature selects carefully temprature and moisture to produce the deep blue giving plants in India 's two locations . We use fresh dye mix 3 % chemical to give it matured look . If we make in 100% Indigo you will vomit! 100% natural indigo dyed ;- Contact us email : trans_india

At 16:50 on October 11, 2010, N.J.Bond said…

Viranken, Now I have developed 3 more natural fibers and fabrics and products on green garments . They make the rare in the men office going shirt on Linen-FLAX and Pineapple-PINA and ALOEVERA -Beauty -Queen . This is the name one of the oldest language Sanskrit has given to Aloevera . Do you have any idea symbolically what it is for. If I know it s meaning ,how I can share them with you without your email . Can you make it available . Await your response .
At 12:16 on May 20, 2010, N.J.Bond said…
Kindly notedown these e mails.
my email ;, bond@transindaexports.met,

I await your proposals.
At 2:22 on May 11, 2010, N.J.Bond said…
You are most welcome to promote my products and brand .

Kindly send your application. My email ;; bond@

I can send range of photos for your use on my one product Denim. Though I have developed 100 colours in dozen product catogories of markettable textile developed by me in the decade full reaserch now I want to focus in only one that is Indigo Live processed Denim Jeans for men and women on Straight leg Style and select sizes on my brand name Welcome Indigo welcome.

The reason I want to remain selective is products similar to mine can be produced only by creative and conciouse souls and can be handled in mareket by creative conciouse one . only then the Dirt cheap price I offer is understood , for others it merely reflect the "cheap ness " as it is cheap quoted on humanitarian ground to propagate it first.

My grand father is Indigo dyes supplier to Italian factory since 19 th century ,who wer once making denims on cotton to levis in Germany.

Since sound rooted in history , tradition , geography and culture it is not dificult for us to make the world best in Indigo; and Live-Process it is important , and a critical point in the old world re-production of Indigo denim jeans . Hence let us concentrate only on the ' JEANS' which is unique strength and value to society now in Organic Era . In 100% my 10 years I have made it a principle not to touch in any form the non-Organic Cottons and no natural dyes.

As a matter of fact in non Indigo dyes of natural some small negligible percentage is required the ordinary chemical like Nacl, Baking soda , Alum . All put together not to exeed in colour 100 s listed in my web site is 2-4% of the weitht of the dyes used , In DENIM JEANS IT IS 100 % CHEMICAL FREE., blogs ,etc.
At 14:57 on May 4, 2010, N.J.Bond said…
I own a small denim making company. look for new market entry.
will be intrested in your market .my web

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