On organic fibers natural dying of yarns and then weave them into fabrics and make garments was popular 150 years ago . Since this is health rich products at functional level it was by mistake kept out of use like many ancient spirtual values were neglected.
When over confidence on the one eyed evil medicineal science failed , now conciouse people are showing aware ness and interest in natural dyed . Here are a dozens of our products all natural dyed .
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150 years ago all colours in Indian rural villages were dyed with natural tannin binder with cotton . Those days cotton was cotton, no Organic and natural /ordinary cotton exixted. All were natural sourced dyes no synthetic dyes existed. All fabrics were 100% chemical free. Food was G.M. sources free. To-day 96% of food process ones are sourced from G.M..
In the Global Village from one to another corner custom made organic garments can be made and delivered .When all natuarl made on organic cotton comes into practice it will take another 150 years. The two gift god has given to is image and sound transfer to commect one with another . Global quality rural price a possibleity .
To test check with us . The health rich garments can help recover health rich globe and help poor add quality in the job they are currently doing . This will help recover real economy. From junk economy , junk money and poor quality job and health it is predicted 150 years as it has taken so many in the past to get in to chemical .
So man kind do not believe in the doomsday sayers statements .We have not missed the boat yet. What we needed is get rid of illusion and evil in space and time science . Follow our group you will pro-act no react to past evils and pollutions, if only you are one commanding conciouse mind with sub-brain in tradition rooted organic and natural living one.
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