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                                         HOW AND WHAT WE PROCESS AND PRODUCE 

                                                         FOR ONLINE MARKETING .

                     Trans India Exports is a family business that has been working in the Southern states Aandhra Predesh and Tamil Nadu border located in a village  at 45 kms. north west to Chennai Air and Sea port in India. Since the past 33 years we are  involved in extraction of Naural Indigo herb as well dye fabrics and yarns stuff to the the best satisfaction  ever since days of British Raj..After a brief stop  during war  again it was revived .

                    Tie's philosophy of conservation and preservation at creative adaptation is inherent in all its activities. We are a small rural grass root research group set up our own Agro Farm Research Center with out any aid what so ever from any individual and organizations. The primary focus of the firm's work has been to create sustainable livelihood options through appropriate technology, farm-based activities, traditional craft—including natural binder based dying using indigenous plants and other raw materials.
We have managed to create two self--sustained rural businesses–one based on Solar Heat Processing of Muslin Cotton Rain Fed V.797 for bleaching and processing technology and the other on the traditional craft of natural dyeing on weaving . Both these businesses are managed by a team of rural managers trained at Tie and provide livelihood to rural youth.

There is seeming poverty among the workers . But this is mere Calorie shortage kind. They have Fidelity Responsible large families members , of close knit social caste , where the skill for many varied craft of Cotton dying and processing is well preserved.The bonds they are linked to with community and larger honor from society is great asset, emotionally matured elderly women of post menopause ages with loving care only are able to help us succeed in achieving brightest and deepest Indigo tropical blue. The talents for this Indigo natural dying and accompanying live-processing with country mud post enzyme fermented is not ordinary job.They only have the patience and care with attention all the 45 days process each set.It was inherited with in the spiritual boundary of mores and codes of culture.It is run on rites and ceremonies that youth of today found useless by us.We have creative adapted the abilities of people , capacities of structures left out un destroyed for some 100years gap now.There are many high level experts in this Indigo craft in village so India. They are visible and recognized only by mind eye not by colored glasses.Yes it may appear myth and miracle. There are truth hidden with fake stories in the histories soil and this capacities is adapted by us now . Luckily , we are given tools to escape the death merchants in the valley of commercializing it like any innovation one in these days of industrial and commercial complexion.

It is briefly internalize externalites on a path to find aspiration on a finite path.It is strategies for a new model for all third world nations economy to recover real economy ,for masses of men but for evolved ,it is fresh one!
More than 45 artisans in 4 villages are involved in our textile enterprise that preserves the traditional craft of hand spinning, hand weaving and natural dyeing in these remote villages.

Many of the artisans belong to the traditional community who traditionally worked with hemp, but are now forced to abandon this craft as the legality with the use of the fiber is ambiguous. Silk and wool are currently used in small volumes, while cotton is major stock lots .

The core of the textile enterprise is the use of natural dyes that has led to the conservation of many plants and trees in the area. The use of natural dyes causes minimum impact on the environment while using locally available raw materials judiciously and most economically blending opposites at tech and faithon one polarity and practical wisdom and innate creativity on its opposite .A bio factory was set for this end in mind . Fixers like alum and common salt are the only ordinarily avilable nature sourced chemical upto 3% maximum involved and plant-based natural mordants like Tannin used ensure that there is a minimum of residual waste, and the effluent waste water from the dyeing can be treated and reused for irrigation. Additionally, we harvest rainwater that is collected in underground storage tanks and that' used for dyeing. Afterwards the water goes through a recycling system to be reused for irrigation.

We use only natural dyes of high value herbs and the raw materials for all the 5 basic ethnic indian hues /colors given below. They are either collected in the wild or are grown by the local women’s groups that have been organized in the villages. Only two dye materials for red and blue have to buy from other states of India on some occassions.

After the dye materials are collected, dried, hand pounded by the women’s SHG groups, they are sold to Tie. A total of 16 women were involved in the collection of dye material last year. The natural dyeing is done by the dyeing unit at Tie. All the dyers, who live in the nearby villages, are trained by senior dyers at Tie Compensation for dyers was a total of Rs 41,691 (or $896.00) during the year 2008-09; between April 2009 to September 2009, dyers earned Rs 26,000 (or $55) through the collection. The dyers are compensated with a salary or a stipend and earn between Rs 1750 to Rs 3,000 per month ($38.00 to $65.00).
Most of our workers are from the low cost tribal medicine clothes makers in deep jungles .
Below are the plants and recipes to make the dyes. Indigenous plants collected by the women’s groups include:
Indigo is done at bio factory for extraction and dying is not given here .

Common Name Latin Name Color
Marigold flowers Calendula officinalis Yellow
Pomegranate Pucina granatum Yellow
Turmeric Curcuma longa Yellow
Myrobolan Terminalia belerica Black & Grey
Eupatorium Euaptorium odorata Green, Mustard
Walnut Hulls Juglans regia Brown

Dyes imported from other parts of India include:
Common Name Latin Name Color
Lac Shellac Red,Pink,Purple
Sappan Wood Caesalpinia Red,Rust,Purple
Tropical Indigo Indigofera tinctoria Blue

Dye Recipes
1. Yellow

Yellow is an easily obtainable dye from commonly available local plants. We can get different grades of yellow from different kinds of plants.
Marigold Flowers yield a fluorescent yellow.
Turmeric Root gives a very strong yellow but it is light sensitive.
Pomegranate Rind gives a very warm yellow.
The dye extraction is done by boiling the pre soaked raw material (marigold flowers, pomegranate rind) for 1- 2 hours. The solution is then filtered and used to dye premordanted fibre.

Yellow with marigold flowers

Tussar Silk/ Ahimsa kind Peace ones .same process applied.
Marigold Flowers 70% of the weight of the fibre
Alum 20 % of the weight of the fibre
Water 1:20


Soak the tussar silk in water for 24 hours.
Grind the alum to a fine texture and dissolve it in water separately
Take out the silk and squeeze the water out.
Heat the alum solution and enter the silk to be dyed at 60 deg Celsius. Roll the silk every five minutes for one hour. The temperature should be raised from 60°C – 90°C, gradually, and then maintained for one hour.
Take the silk out of the mordant solution and keep it aside.

Dyeing Process

Soak the marigold flowers in water for 3 days.
Boil the flowers in a steel utensil for 2 hours to extract the color in the water. Filter the solution with a fine cloth.
Heat water in a steel utensil and add the dye solution to it.
Take the mordanted silk (Do not squeeze it!) and dip it in the above solution. Roll for one hour. The temperature should be raised from 60°C to 90°C, gradually and maintained during rolling.
Take the silk out.
Let it drip to cool and then squeeze it to dry. Wash the dyed silk in water to remove excess dye and let it dry in shade.

Yellow with Pomegranate Powder

Tussar Silk
Pomegranate powder 30 % of weight of fibre
Alum 20 % of the weight of fibre
Water 1 : 20


Soak the tussar silk in water for 24 hours.
Grind the alum to a fine texture and dissolve it in water separately
Take out the silk and squeeze the water out.
Heat the alum solution and enter the silk to be dyed at 60 deg Celsius. Roll the silk every five minutes for one hour. The temperature should be raised from 60°C – 90°C, gradually, and then maintained for one hour.
Take the silk out of the mordant solution and keep it aside.

Dyeing Process

Soak the pomegranate rind powder in water for 3 days.
Boil this powder in a steel utensil for 2 hours to extract the color in the water. Filter the solution with a fine cloth. Heat water in a steel utensil and add the dye solution to it.
Take the mordanted silk (Do not squeeze it!) and dip it in the above solution. Roll for one hour. The temperature should be raised from 60°C to 90°C, gradually and maintained during rolling.
Take the silk out.
Let it drip to cool and then squeeze it to dry. Wash the dyed silk in water to remove excess dye and let it dry in shade.

Yellow with Turmeric Powder
The process is the same as above.

2. Red
Natural red color can be extracted from three plants: madder,
sappan wood, and lac. Shellac and sappan wood is mostly used.

Tussar Silk
Sappan Wood powder 100% of weight of fibre
Alum 20% of weight of fibre
Water 1:20


Soak the tussar silk in water for 24 hours.
Grind the alum to a fine texture and dissolve it in water separately
Take out the silk and squeeze the water out.
Heat the alum solution and enter the silk to be dyed at 60 deg Celsius. Roll the silk every five minutes for one hour. The temperature should be raised from 60°C – 90°C, gradually, and then maintained for one hour.
Take the silk out of the mordant solution and keep it aside.

Dyeing Process

Soak the Sappan wood powder in water for 3 days.
Boil this powder in a steel utensil for 2 hours to extract the color in the water. Filter the solution with a fine cloth. Heat water in a steel utensil and add the dye solution to it.
Take the mordanted silk (Do not squeeze it!) and dip it in the above solution. Roll for one hour. The temperature should be raised from 60°C to 90°C, gradually and maintained during rolling.
Take the silk out.
Let it drip to cool and then squeeze it to dry. Wash the dyed silk in water to remove excess dye and let it dry in shade.

Red with Shellac

Tussar Silk
Lac 7% of fibre weight
Water 1:20
Citric Acid( for pH 2)
Alum 15% of fibre weight


Soak the tussar silk in water for 24 hours.
Grind the alum to a fine texture and dissolve it in water separately
Take out the silk and squeeze the water out.
Heat the alum solution and enter the silk to be dyed at 60 deg Celsius. Roll the silk every five minutes for one hour. The temperature should be raised from 60°C – 90°C, gradually, and then maintained for one hour.
Take the silk out of the mordant solution and keep it aside.

Dyeing Process

Take some water in a steel utensil and add lac powder in it. Boil it for an hour and slowly add citric acid till a pH 2 level is attained. Now sieve the solution with a fine cloth.
Heat water in a utensil to 60°C. Add the Lac solution it.
Take the soaked silk, squeeze it and dip it in the above solution. Roll for one hour and turn the yarn every five minutes. The temperature should be raised from 60°C to 90°C, gradually, during this rolling process. You should keep checking the pH as it should be 2 to give a good red.
Take the Silk out and let it drip before hanging it in the shade to dry.

For processing and washing we use organic soap and advise our customer use them .

We market them on line to most of the researchers in U.K. and Europe. We have much more on this process product and marketing . Reach me N.J.Bond , Email:-

We are present in public discussion in many endorsements and comments are at social web sites. We create trust among our consumers by ways of verification, transactions and behaviours with the interconnected , proximity , interdependent ,transparency tools available .Info and communication tools is taken to great advantage to reach out our customers who are out of ordinaries now.

I have visited a lot of sites and blogs and have found one the most interesting this is the blog where the information is not only about fashion but it contains some useful advice how to choose glasses or contact lenses. What impressed me is that the colors of eyes influence on person's character...i want you read it all yourself. I discover new facts for me

Big -Corporates in textiles had the strategy built on make believe world the 'old-worn-out-look' in jeans . They tagged it Indigo dyed . Everybody knows that a gimmick is made on new jeans to give that antique look . Since they were sugar babies of anaesthesia born to knife and drugging it was easy to see it more real than real and shape for their wishes manufactured only in Malls. In a make believe world , misnomer Indigo 'old color of cult magic ' was given to synthetic Indigo , a false status .

Thus material is false , finish on the surface is by sand blasting that kills the synthetic fiber to create the gimmick .100 years passed . Now it is 21 st century, investors are hesitating , designers are bankrupt , consumers are becoming aware only at small section of conscious world . No one likes the designed in SML any body same S any shape same M . They want their fit and their body shape and comfort style .

They can get this only when the fiber if real , color is true and custom made with exclusivity in built . It is possible in Natural dyed on Organic cotton that forms and colors blend some thing similar in proportion we find in nature objects .

Eco conscious buyers are no more interested in gimmick brands , when substitutes is available on line custom made . Strange to the big companies propaganda once now truth is opening one to one jeans can be made on natural dyed . Visit us in face book for designers own brand made online .

Young designers can not wear the gimmicks that worked in 2nd millennium .Now wear custom made your own label to first with us . Discuss , decide and design and get it delivered in days at cost 10 folds lesser than its equivalent in popular chemical brands .

Since our products are made as per old world method we are almost back to 100 years . If no patient , no work will get done in 100 old years . This Jeans can last your life time as day work wear .This will spiritualize you and your inferior body , mind , emotion , intellect and spirit by uplifting holistic healing way .

If you worry about deep blue fades it will become fresh after every organic soap wash , and will collect back the blue from atmospheric heat and light .We use organic and preorganic Muslin and BAMBOX tree silky cotton that comes from sky and dyed with sacred natural Indigo at atmosphere dip and dye method in ethnic process in Heritage setting of 100 years old structures and equipments.

We may not be great brand or great corporate for you to believe us . We are doing small things in great ways

that you cannot find substitutes in the market . Big corporates failed to do it since last 13 years . They have structural issue and fault in method . More and more they can mass produce and compete, strategical plan on make believe world .

This comes unbranded un advertised . Because it happens as product in ethnic hands of Heritage setting on methods of old world .It is made to world class jeans other wise .

Nature selects carefully temprature and moisture to produce the deep blue giving plants in India 's two locations . We use fresh dye mix 3 % chemical to give it matured look . If we make in 100% Indigo you will vomit!

100% natural indigo dyed ;-

Contact us email : trans_india

The biggest showcase of Colombian Crafts during the year! Not to be missed! Come and visit us! 6thDec -19thDec in Corferias, Bogota. Colombia.

If you have to miss it i will be there outsourcing suppliers and artisans. Place your orders, take a look to the albums in facebook.

Beads catalogue:
Tribal catalogue:
Fique natural fiber catalogue:
Home Decor :
Kogi Mochila:
Wayuu Weaving:

Also a trips to bring graduates to meet and have a work experience with artisan communities around Colombia in 2013. At the end of each trip participants will work together on a concrete plan to make an impact in their areas of expertise.

At the end of each trip participants will work together on a concrete plan to make an impact in their areas of expertise. More details and info. Tel. 07811 81 50 92. Angelica Salazar.

Thank you! and would be great to get in touch with people interested in Colombian Arts and Crafts :)

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